I've been searching for a horror anime that isn't just a gorefest for the sake of gore and filled with cheap jumpscares or torture porn. Some people suggested Ghost Hunt but 4 episodes in it's turning out to be a romantic comedy with underwhelming spooky elements. Higurashi is only good during the first few episodes.
Is Shiki the only good horror anime thay exists?
Eh? Shiki is a horror? Aren't you just saying that because it has universal monsters in it?
I like horror but I hate seeing cute anime girls die in horrorific ways. This is why I prefer Junji Ito.
It's definitely horror at least up until the first half before shit starts going wild.
If it's not horror I don't know what is. I haven't found another anime which succeeds on being so unsettling and having such an element of creeping fear. The only other I can think of is Uzumaki which is coming out soon, which gives me those vibes just from a teaser
perfect blue, ito junji's stuff (reading > watching though), mieruko-chan (horror/comedy)
i don't know though. horror seems hard for anime to adapt properly. it may actually be the hardest genre to make anime for.
I will try out manga just to see how it does. Is Junji Ito a good choice? I may make a wsr if there are many options
how can cartoons be scary lmao
get a grip
I've seen it done once, it can be done twice.
Been a long time since I saw an actually scary live action film too. Seems like all that's coming out recently is half-"scary", half-comedic flicks
It’s literally impossible for anime to be scary.
I’ve been saying this for many years and I still stand by it because I have yet to see a single exception.
corpse party tortured souls
but thats because I love slashers. Anime needs more of these.
I liked Corpse Party but besides Corpse Party and Shiki there only some good horror episodes in some anime. I can't think of any good horror anime besides these two.
dude, no media can be scary. if you see a skeleton irl? sure, maybe that would be scary. I'm sure whoever watches it is just bored
cp musume is my guilty pleasure
I like horror anime even if they are not really scary
There for sure are animes that are horror but don't expect weebtards in here to be manly enough and have the balls to watch them and give you answers...
It's like talking to a wall.
>cp musume
There are a lot of different manga with horror elements. Like Junji Ito and Kazuo Umezu are well known for horror but there’s psychological series like Himizu and Soil, Devilman and Shiga Hime are action horror, Pet Shop of Horrors is josei (women’s) horror, etc
kys 3Dposter
Ser, pls go
Thanks user
Dorohedoro can be pretty macabre when it wants
corpse party musume user. pls.
Dorohedoro was amazing but macabre=//=horror
i've also been searching for something as good as shiki. i haven't found anything as good yet, but the next best thing i found was higurashi. you said it's only good at the start, but have you finished the entire series? much like shiki, the show doesn't actually pick up until the second half.
these two seasons are pretty much all you need to watch. it isn't as unsettling as shiki but the plot more then makes up for it.
I’d recommend finishing Ghost Hunt. It’s not especially spooky but there are some good moments and it stuck with me in a way most anime don’t.
Why did the priest do it? Is a vampire loli really worth betraying humanity and his best friend for?
It is clearly supposed to be scary
For me Promissed Neverland S1 is the best horror anime shit was tense and Mononoke is great too