Wtf is that shit?
Miura would never have written something like this.
Wtf is that shit?
You can't possible know, he's fucking dead retarded.
You mean the exact same thing he wrote on the hill of swords?
The elf island is no place for this.
He's not stupid enough to draw the same shit twice.
You mean the same thing that already happened on the Hill of Swords?
>Spanish translation
>Retarded thread
Spics really are just a stupid race that drags down every online space they enter, aren't they?
Zodd is Donovan
One could say that Eclipse 2.0 was dumb and unnecessary thing, leaving a small stain of dirt on Golden Age's Eclipse.
I'm not among those people. I liked Conviction arc and that one particular moment. However don't forget that Berserk had some elements repeated in various places, for various reasons (like emphasizing how Guts have changed, or how the circumstances became different).
Fuck, you are me, user. That was the very exactly same thing I thought once I noticed Spic translation of that manga panel.
If it isn't English, its being posted by an inferior race and attached to a moronic post, without exception.
When's the next chapter coming out?
>Spanish text
Manuel, one bit of advice: try to speak English and present comics in English if you want to talk with non-Spics.
Spaniards are too lazy (or dumb) to provide English translation of a manga panel in a thread meant for English speakers, aren't they?
12th August.
Are cumskins really that retarded that they can't realize the text isnt spanish?
American education hours.
see It being French doesn't preclude it from being posted by a swarthy retard. If you want to be treated like a full human, post an English image next time.
It's in French, but it not being in English allow people to vent about Spics, I guess.
>Spics spend the last five years making this board borderline unusable
>Get fucking assblasted when white/black Any Forumsnons shit on them at every turn
I've never met a race as thin skinned and hypocritical as spics are, I swear to Christ.
>Latin speaker is retarded
You have to go back (to Rome)
C'est du français bande de bites...
Lisez plutôt des pièces de théâtre que des mangas qui grillent votre cerveau : les 3 derniers chapitres de Berserk PUENT la fanfiction. C'est nul.
Imagine this pathetic subhuman piece of trash talking down to anyone. Too stupid to even do any proofreading of his shit post. Get a job you bum.