Hajime no Ippo 1390


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my nigga volg better style on this motherfucker

poor vorg cant catch a break

Attached: 10 (14).png (1115x1600, 1.38M)

fuck this

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Attached: 12 (12).png (1115x1600, 1.44M)

>approaching one and a half thousand chapters
it's never going to end is it

Finished, Vorg will probably beat the challenger shortly but I'd be hilarious if he lost or got injured because of Ippo

Attached: 13 (10).png (1115x1600, 1.07M)

kek Morikawa seriously seriously is a piece of shit.

if volg loses morikawa is gonna die

he's going to lose.

Volg must suffer

Fucking Ippo even pulled his punch so that "the spar wouldnt end there" and Vorg still barely made it
Morikawa doesnt like russians, doesnt he?

>ippo's 500 str retard punch is so strong that it fucking indirectly will cause him to lose