Why is Japan obsessed with puritan views on romance?

Why is Japan obsessed with puritan views on romance?

Regular people fall in love and have sex with the "wrong" person all the time, you know.

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>Regular people fall in love and have sex with the "wrong" person all the time, you know.
Because that's disgusting and makes me wanna puke

Read more romance

Because it's nice to fantasize, OP, we want to escape from this bullshit called "life" and it sucks.

"That one special love" makes for better stories, you know?

Because it's more beautiful this way.

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Because the puritan view in this specific case is the best end scenario.

That's just really terrible, unrealistic writing. Watch something more grounded and realistic like 5 Centimeters per Second and Garden of Words.

> During all of history it works more or less like this, mostly because lack of contraception meant sleeping around destroyed your life
> Times change
> Well casual sex is normal :^)
Have you considered it is you who is wrong?

Why does it offend americans that people are against being whores?

The West loves that too. Because it shows us the best version of ourselves, it shows us what we wish we could be but aren't due to weakness.

Based enlightened user.

It's not unrealistic, just improbable. Meanwhile, Kimi no Na wa and Tenki no Ko.

Not every culture respects women going through hundreds of miles of dick before "settling down".
Planned marriages are still a thing in Japan and other asian cultures.

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>it's another basedjak spam moment

Fuck off roastie or roastie enabler. One partner per life.

I am 25 years old and have never felt the touch of another female that isn't a family member.

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>japan idealises true love
>America idealises false love

Woooooww which one is better??!?!

Truly one of the 7 school mysteries.

Really makes go "hmmm" and stroke my chin.

>person you loved changes drastically because of shit that's out of your control
>relationship ends
>haha tough luck pal one partner per life

Maybe because japan is a shithole vasal country in total decadence.

Ah yes, let me turn on my favorite programming about the crushing reality that love is temporary and will never be satisfying. Surely people will watch that!

lol virgin for life loser
stop talking about things you'll never have access to you forever alone nothing

Because it's fiction. Why would someone want a story about a generic life.

Any Forums is full of losers that need government assigned marriages to even get within range of a relationship, they won't understand your point.