This is Buggy one of the four emperors of the sea say something nice about him
One Piece
Yamatochads are owed an apology.
Buggy is not gay.
That the hell does that have to do with Buggy?
Was a Yamato Chad from the start never had any doubt
Buggy has by far the strongest crew now. He has two Yonko level characters under his command. Mihawk who is in the same level as Shanks, and Weevil which is Prime Whitebeard level. Plus Crocodile who should be around Doffy level now.
what? since when
since the chapter that hasn't been released yet, speed D.
I very much doubt Mihawk or Crododile are "under his commend". More like they joined out of convenience.
Yamatroon is shit and won't join.
It’s probably just the whole Yamato question being left up in the air but man the wait for the full spoilers/raws has been kinda painful this time around
Buggy has the most dangerous power in the world, he's able to connect with others and make them want to help him something only him and Luffy have
I love Uta.
>placing bounties on marines
This is the biggest power move in the series in decades. Probably the biggest since Blackbeard stole Whitebeard's devil fruit.
Mihawk likely joined because he wanted to take part in the endgame war as an opponent of strong swordmen like Shanks, Zoro, Syriu. Buggyi i suppose allow him to do pretty much what he want as long as he pretend to obey to him in front of their minions
Crocodile is 100% planning to usurp Buggy at the right moment. He recognize Buggy have both the skill and the luck to make powerfull pirate organizations. Better usurp something build by someone else, than bother to build something yourself from straches
Even if I wanted to doubt Yams, the denialfags arguments with so retarded and disingenuous I couldn't take them seriously.
I want to hear the other songs already. Sawano's comment got me hyped for Tot Musica.
At least it's only one more week. I'm confident the other songs will be worth the wait, though.
this is thread
I hope Yamato appears in a post credit scene of film red
I am going to miss this goddess, hoping to see her soon. Enma shall always be with Zoro.
It’s actually kind of amazing how many of them were trying so hard not to see the obvious. The weird copes we’ve seen these last two years have been astounding
Oda is unironically reading this general and adjusting chapters to shitposting
>he leaves Nakama faggotry on a cliff hanger yet again
fix the resolution retard, i want to post this for years to come
Less than 4 days to the greatest movie of all times.
An apology? For what? Her not joining?
>Turns out Carrot became the lookout but for the Minks
He laughed.jpg
Calling it, Yamato will jump on the wrong ship.
>I got on....the wrong ship!
can't wait to fuck pUta with my RED rubber
>carrot didn't even join the fleet
Even WORSE than I predicted
It absolutely is
He must have found Captain John's Treasure to be able to do this
I love it because every low-level marine has got to be shitting their pants right now. Can't just bully pirates anymore without the possibility that they might try to collect your head.
Shut up Puta,you are adopted.
Why wouldnt she know how the Sunny looks like?
Zou is basically part of Luffy's territory, they'll play a role in the final war somehow
"big mom? kaido? no problem send me the location"
Why is Garp such a Chad while the actual Admirals are fucking embarrassing?
Yamato? Joining.
Caribou? Joined.
CARROT? Queen of the night shift
i will not buy the ticket Shank...I'LL...PIRATE IT !
They're their greatest allies next to the GF but Luffy actually cares about the ruler.
Carrotfags are fucking obliterated
Gotta admit Oda still has it
The Sunny doesn't have a wanted poster.
Carrot? King Nothing
You can tell he really loves Buggy because every time something happens with that character it's the best shit to happen to the series in years
The minks cant return to Zou, it vanished and there was no one in it as far as we know so vivre cards wont work. They will become a nomadic tribe sailing the seas
Mihawk? Buggy's dog.
>One of my posts is on there delete this right now
It was docked right there during the party, she probably saw it at least once
But it definitely would show up in the papers, plus Franky and Usopp were working on it in the mainland
>captain you will be alive to watch my movie right...?"
>Yamatrannies pretending like she officially joined this chapter, again
Why are they like this? This is like the 50th chapter in a row they've done this. Why can't they just wait until the chapter it actually happens?
The man, the legend that will unify everyone against the world governement and claim the One Piece.
I have an oni girl fetish so I was rooting for her since the moment she showed up.
An apology for what? It's not our fault you're a cancer on the fanbase, supporting a tranny self insert who is the poster girl for the most cancerous arc in the series
>I will buy a ticket for red, partner
I will forever cherish our bundle of sunshine duchess.
>Buggy found the treasure from the map shanks gave him
>can now pay millions to have the marines who wronged him dead
>is surrounded by strong pirates so his money is safe
Yes and I now have a cute little sister who adores me and enjoys OreImo. I am winning.
Awakened Buggy is unironically top 1 in the verse. Virtually invicible.
retard-kun, Minks are more important and relevant than Shitmato/fleet and whatever since they're part of the prophecy. They're the Dawn.
Apology for what? I said like hundred of times that Luffy didn't give a shit about her. And the spoilers just proved me right lol
Never ever joining.
So the yamatofag who took all those screen shots is gonna kill himself or what
>night shift
Okay but like
Is Buggy still a villain?
I'm sorry Yamatofags continue to make these threads worse everyday
>Kata in both the movie and the cover
But we were also told that "some time in the near future, these 7 captains would be at the center of an incident that shakes the entire world...but that's a story for another time"
The Grandfleet has an actual, narrator-given prophecy too
did I miss something?
Why? we won
Mugen Train owns you
Yes. Why do you think they're spamming this hard? 2 weeks left before the mother of all BTFO
Why are Yamatofans so controversial? All they said was that she was joining based on the manga.
He hasn't been a villain since forever
Although after Wano for sure I want to see more of what the Worst Generation can do are capable of right? Such as with Jewelry Bonney & hopefully she & her crew get allied with Shanks, because Luffy is getting too cocky, & Blackbeard also has former Admiral Aokiji in ranks.