>the unthinkable happens
>buiscuit hammer is getting an anime
>its straight trash and repulses anime onlys for good
lol safe and sound
>the unthinkable happens
>buiscuit hammer is getting an anime
>its straight trash and repulses anime onlys for good
lol safe and sound
>he would sacrifice a good adaptation for >>>muh fanbase reasons
lmao even.
>biscuit is trash and noone cares
I dont give a fuck about anime
Your loss.
Nothing was sacrificed. Based on what we're getting there was no chance of a good adaptation. At least this one is shitty enough to probably be forgotten later. Not like Jojo's, which is also shit, but good enough to entertain normalfags and have them ruin the fanbase.
i prefer manga to anime, so i dont care
It's OGrE
The anime is exactly the same as the manga minus the pantyshots
And with
>shit animation
>shit art
>shit voice acting
>shit directing
>shit pacing
>shit music
But yeah, other than that it's the same as the manga.
manga has all of the things you mentioned too
It looks the same, pacing is the same. It's nearly a 1:1 adaptation
Coloring manga panels (or coloring poor redraws of manga panels) doesn't make for a good adaptation even if animefags think it does. The color palette is garbage and they've cut and rearranged plenty already. Mostly to suck any personality out of the characters and to overall make the series less fun.
Anime studios can't help but ruin everything they touch.
It still is a very close adaptation.
Holy fucking based.
One day newfags will learn that adaptations are shit.
Ah, the World Trigger technique.
It's just a testament of how much there is to fuck up in an at times panel for panel adaptation.
Mainly makes me sad because it means we'll likely never get a Solte or Spirit Circle anime.
not as shit as having to look at colourless static panels with even shittier art and not much more dialogue
the beginning of the manga is boring and bad, just like the anime so far.
user... there's a word for what you're doing and it's called coping. It's pathetic, and no, it doesn't make you cool.
did they even get the pillows this time?
-it's a 24 eps series
-streamed in lots of platforms
-subbed in more than 15 languages
-dubbed in more than 5 languages
Even if you try to ignore it the industry won't.
On niconico the satisfaction from the viewers has been increasing each ep.
Is time to accept that the manga was shit to begin with.
Sengoku is next
Why do I see this same post on every HnS thread?