If you didn't like the last chapters then you should drop it. We won't miss you
Chainsaw Man
Other urls found in this thread:
Yoru a best
Asa a shit
The past few chapters remind me of the beginning chapters in Part 1: slow pace.
>7 out of 20 japanese people are killed by devils
Makima was right, apologise.
>yoru and asa
Haha it's like night and day
I don't even care if you like the chapter or not. It's the idiots screeching that there is no denji and the world isn't ending after 4 fucking chapters. JFC let the STORY build.
Also War’s weak form is a nocturnal bird
>4channers calling other 4channers virgins.
>devils kill people
Holy shit... Cuckmoto I kneel to the kino kino of all kino...
It's SnKfags. Btw SnK is complete dogshit.
cope, virgin.
My useless and WEAK AF Yoru waifu... I love her.
The fact that War can't beat a fucking bat makes her even more of an adorable tsundere dork.
>series is going to be about yoru training Asa to not be a pussy
Am I really supposed to care about any one these fucking characters? Asa's boring, anyone new who's introduced is going to fucking die, the end, that's it. Who gives a shit?
>War can't beat a fucking bat
It’s not her fault Asa is a pussy
Hi newfags, let me give you a couple tips. First of all, this isn't Reddit, there is no echo chamber of fake positivity with negative comments getting removed or downvoted. For better or worse everyone's comment is equally seen and valid.
Second, people aren't going to drop this because this isn't a brand new manga. They are going to stick around and gripe until the old favorites from Part 1 show up and start moving the story forward because Asa sure isn't going to do it herself. If they liked Part 1 and don't like Part 2 because it's different from Part 1, nobody can fault them. Brushing away any and all criticism as "oh it's the SnKfags" is as unproductive as the creators of a certain streaming service's original TV show brushing away criticism of their show as some politically motivated review bombing.
But I thought you fags said war was a dude
It's also a downgrade. Having war as a name was badass
>you should drop it. We won't miss you
Take this on your way out
You are legitimately two digit IQ if you can't recognize the recent influx of shitposting is due to SnK tourists spawning and spreading their shit everywhere
No shit faggot. I can still tell you to fuck off
Oh no I'm not a REAL FAN. What the fuck do you think this is, exactly?
You too.
>you should drop it. We won't miss you
It's not War's name speedreader, it's literally some bullshit War made up to make Asa feel better.
Mid + ratio
You fell off
Normalfags think that a manga is automatically good if random who's get unceremoniously killed because muh stakes or something
Go back
>wahhh why isn't the story catering to me
You are a REAL FAGGOT at the very least
Doujins when
Yes, it's SnK fans. Not the fire punch tranny that soammed CSM and FP threads for a year straight
This is why I call you a newfag. This phenomenon you describe predates the SnK general.
There you go, you're learning.
Still need more data
Yuko lives
AsaYuko will reign supreme
screencap this
Can anyone translate this zoomer-speak?
This chapter was good, if you don't like it you don't like Chainsaw Man and you're just a bandwagoner
Sorry, she's going into the meatgrinder
What was the deal with Yuko's house looking all dark and shitty with a taped up mailbox?
What kind of weapon is he going to turn into?