Happy Birthday Honoka!
Discuss Superstar and whatever else you want
Love Live
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Yay! Honoka-chan!
she's literaly me
Keke approves
Who's winning this time?
>tfw can't get in to idolshit because it's always cheery upbeat music and I am not a cheery upbeat person
>still own two idol nesos despite never having watched the source material
Best leader
nesos are always cute user
post them
She should have kidnapped Kanon in the playground
A few depressing songs are usually hidden in the subunit songs, love marginal, omoide ijou ni naritakute, yozora wa nandemo shitteru no? and sotsugyou desu ne come to mind.
But yeah, obviously people mostly want to hear happy songs.
there's also no exit orion which is very fun IMO
How did the middle schooler get an adult body at that age?
Poor Hanayo
Her group and subunit was pure until a certain someone got desperate for bread
that's just a normal 14 year old though?
Just do like the rest of us and listen mostly to the edgy subunits
My two idol nesos.
Yeah, she's just tall. At an age where women already reach their max height.
So beautiful...
The rest of the collection. The fate & Raildex ness were from gatch pulls from nesoverse, before they shut down. They'd always give me my requested neso + burner stock if I asked for one when ordering gatcha.
Fan meeting with Honoka-chan off-stage!
...Are the rest of their songs like this? Because that's music I can get behind.
>Spider-Man and Doctor Strange
White girl.