How do you deal with relentless childhood friends in isekai that simply won’t give up in trying to surpass you?

How do you deal with relentless childhood friends in isekai that simply won’t give up in trying to surpass you?

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D them

Was it kino?

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>Kinsou no Vermeil

This native isekai is hot


We need more stories of holy men traveling country to country spreading the word of God.

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>MC attacks girl
>girl's gang jumps in to defend girl, but MC runs away
>MC throws stones at gang to make them pursue him
>bullies them incessantly
>by chance they run across MC's sister
>MC is outraged that the gang would get close to her
>gang threatens violence to MC
>MC's bro jumps out to hurt the gang and threatens to hurt them more
>girl catches up to the crowd and tries to flirt with MC's bro

This story is a mess. I like asshole MCs. But it doesn't feel like the author is aware that he's writing one. That incident whee he jumps in front of his sister seemed like it was supposed to make the MC look good. It just falls completely flat because the MC is the only one really trying to stir up shit (alongside his bro).

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With sex


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It seems like MC's entire personality is asshole. And don't misunderstand. I'm not calling him an asshole. I'm saying that [asshole] is the entire extent of his characterization.
He's rude to his bro. Never shows any weakness to anyone. Only ever grins like a dick. And his only motivation seems to be "become the strongest in the world and conquer the world".

Then he joins the Magical Academy, and it's at this point where I see no further point in reading the story. Why did he even do that? What is he supposed to learn there?
He already had the greatest master known to man, and one that specialized in the one magic he is capable of.
The academy can't even gauge his power properly.

Nothing in this story really seems to have even a notion of thought put into it.

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>gets scarred in the face
>lets the bitch who did get away with it
it's like she didn't learn from her past life.
probably to set her up to get stabbed again like a dog

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you wait for them to die of covid like in real life

Why delete?

Jannies mad

what was it, i didn't see

Hot gooksekai covers

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if your main character makes this face i will drop your series

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Why? It's cute.

I can't read gook shit without knowing if the girls are roasties first.
Even the there's the chance of suden ntrcuckshit appearing at any moment.
>omg I loe him but I need to suck this man's cock
>it's not cheating since I love my boyfriend!


Go back to your shithole cuck

It's the first time I see that board lol

Save poor catgirls from suffering bad ends in otome isekais

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Well, what are you waiting for?

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You should feel home over there anyway

>Elf Who Likes To Be Humiliated
Used goods elf?

How do you call this trope? Any more of it?
>mc doing something very ordinary
>he's an ordinary man with low ambition
>for people around him
>it's nothing more than perfectly normal ordinary life with bunch of friends
>in fact everything is legendary or divine level
>his friends are horrible monsters
>but they keeping low profile maintaining his state of mind
>everything big going behind the scenes
>nonbiri nouka
>cultivation bigshot

>The Lord of the Deharem family, Theorad bought an elf sex-slave, as if he was hypnotized. However… “You bought an elf as a sex-slave?! Viscount, are you insane!?” He realized how scary of a being the elf he brought was after hearing these words… Will Theorad be able to satisfy the humiliation-needs of this scary elf!? (From toonily)
> The mc accidently buys a 250 year old OP elf as a slave who lets herself get sold cause she liked bdsm play. Now MC has to make sure he can satisfy, otherwise she is gonna get bored and kill everyone in the manor
its basically that /tg/ copypasta

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Sounds shit if she's a whore

something that makes burger underachievers seethe

Yeah, like the other user says I need some user to vet the stories for me, they aren't on NU so I can't check tags.

don't bother, they are all cuckshit

wtf jannies

Going to a Magical Academy dozen power tiers below you to dab on arrogant, incompetent kids is the ultimate goal of everyone who has reached the peak of magical arts.