we went through the golden age 10 years ago
Anime will be never good again
what an original thread
>wahh wahh everything needs to be coom
>grow up
I did.
Do you regret cutting your dick off?
>tr/a/nny is mentally ill and retarded
sasuga tr/a/nnitor
I remember seeing this exact same thread 10 years ago
There's plenty of coomer oriented shit coming out to this day, it's just does not gest as much public attention as it's used to
The MC was such an annoying fag even for romcom standarts
>There will never be a character as loveable as Kirino ever again.
>The age of imoutos is over.
>We're in the dark age of yuri and milfs
you grew up, user
or you're a filthy neet
I'm so glad tsundere trope died out
I want to go back to 2011 so bad bros...
anime was never good, name one good anime that will totally change my mind
>This new
all never ending anime is dogshit
I believe you two don't really know how to use greentext properly
It ended with gt
I dient want to Green shit kys
Hi karen
Not to mention, how to speak like a human
Ako's piss is better than her pits
tr/a/nnitor moment