So whats at the bottom? Hollow earth, hell, Atlantis, Aliens?

So whats at the bottom? Hollow earth, hell, Atlantis, Aliens?
Or all the above

Attached: Abyss_Anime_Square.png (911x696, 1.49M)

Ram Ranch


a mountain leading to heaven

Attached: dante[1].gif (440x659, 148.1K)

Once i read a book series with similar premise of exploring underground there turned out to be a city deeper a hollow earth inhabited by nazis and plottwist earth is spaceship made by alien

The floor.

To this day, no one knows
But we do know that Reg came from there which dead sets the idea that it holds an abundance of machinery.
And since this is an advanced ancient city, most likely some super weapon.

Oh, and remember this
>you need a white whistle to proceed to layer 6
>a white whistle needs the sacrifice of someone who loves you
>Mom is at lvl 7
>Mom wants Riko who loves her very much

So yeah, she probably intends to sacrifice the poor girl

is it just me of the capital of the unreturned gives London vibes?

btw, the ganja-corp were searching for a a city that turns everything to gold... they didn't find it imo

Wow FUCK Lyza


Reg looks like a member of the Abyss tribe who had all his parts replaced with robotics so he could move through the Abyss unimpeded

came here to post this. the real answer is: a huge pile of walruses. the whole thing is a giant walrus pit

Mommy Ozen pulling my head off like a shrimp during intercourse...

construction workers from liveleak videos

My idea is completely hypothetical but yeah, fuck her.

>abandoned the miracle child while she was a literal baby
>realize she made a lot of enemies who would kill Riko
>so, instead of leaving her child with the massive inheritance from her loots, she dumped Riko in an orphanage
>guarded only by 1 blue whistle
Oh, and she left so could take her damn LAST dive, what the fuck kind of mother is this.

I'm going for the idea that Reg is one of the "Gatekeepers" on layer 7

Remember that Lyza wanted Riko so damn bad, she would tame and mind-control a super mannequin and send him to the surface just to retrieve her daughter that she abandoned since birth

Lyza has 0 interest in returning to the surface.
The only reason to call for anyone is so she can go further down or even take over the Abyss

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A city of shota-robots like reg

Why were you gonna post cum if it's actually walruses?

What if there's an 8th layer?

Adventuring is a hell of a drug

The layers were completely wasted, they speedran past most of them and they didn't get a chance to establish themselves. Thankfully lots of time was devoted to bodily functions of the protagonists.

Tsukoshi's magical realm
All of this up to this point was just the appetiser

I still say it's all a test.
Like in Diamond Dogs, Turqoise days.

An alien-made labyrinth that gets harder and harder the further you go, forcing you to alter yourself beyond human limits. to reshape your physique and think outside the box in several different ways.
Kinda like "are you smart enough and resourceful enough to figure out this puzzle?" and if you are, you can go deeper. And at the end, you will "pass the test", proving that you are capable enough to be considered "an adult" by their standards ...or something like that.

! spoilers ahead !

In Diamond Dogs - Turqoise days it was a trap laid by the aliens. If you managed to get to the end, they acknowledged that you are a spieces capable of becoming a threat to them and the labyrinth released a civilization destroying nanoweapon.

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