I don't know if any of you have heard of "Hellper", but it takes 1st place when it comes to action adventure manhwa, I would say it was the best manhwa, but this is not true. "The Horizon" is by far the best manhwa, hands down. But besides this stuff, I have noticed manhwa is mostly lazy garbage that is a corporate wet dream (sometimes this is quite literal). Manga is the same, but there are more good titles to attest to Manga than there is to manhwa, so I would say Manga suffers less.

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Just figured I'd get that off my chest, thoughts?

Thats cool and all but not anime not manga

I was talking about a 3rd wheel. I also mentioned manga.

My complaint was that while the Manga/anime industry is suffering from mediocrity, manhwa is suffering from being mostly dogshit that you cannot even try to tolerate, this is because of how lazy it generally it is, and I don't blame the writers, I blame the companies they work for.

That's cool and all but you know that 90% of everything is mediocre or below and people always had to dig through the garbage.
If you want to find gold you first have to dig through dirt

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I was only pointing out an observation I made, I find it strange how it is harder to dig through Manhwa than Manga for good stuff.

Why is the second season not getting translated? I heard there was some sort of controversy but that wasn't at the start, right?
The first season got kinda dumb and weird towards the end anyway, to be fair.

Season 2 is way darker than season 1. There is quite a lot of rape 8n there, but I do not see why it was a big deal, considering it was not glorified in the slightest. Sake stated "I got greedy as an author, I wanted to further drive home the point that good will eventually triumph over evil"

Here is a fan translation that gets up to the 38th chapter, season 2 is a prequel so it can be read without reading season 1.

Excuse my typoes

Huh, I guess I never thought to look up whether fan TLs existed, neat.

Yeah most people read manhwa (from my experience anyway) on wwbtoon, unfortunately webtoon can straight up just boycotte shit, so not everything is there.

I only read Unordinary

> has to make an entire shit thread to announce their their late discovery of this obvious fact
how many fucking retards are on this site nowadays don't even know what the 80/20 rule is. kill yourself underage. shit thread.

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not manga
not your blog
fuck off

>plagiarism hack soulless insincere clover pic
Dude, I don't wanna sound cliche or snarky or sneed or whatever, but,
Opinion discarded.
At least use something decent like Shaman Kino if you wanna make a point.

bruh just read that shit and it was hella mid no cap on god frfr

>80/20 rule
It's called Sturgeon's law, retard.

LMAO at the typical gook cope

cool I will check, and its true, koreans have talent drawing but are the worst story tellers
any more to recommend?

Fight Class 3 is pretty great too, although its been on hiatus for a year now.

Oh and Dark Air, its pretty old and the ending was never translated but still a great read.

I really liked it, but then the MC turned into the joker and I completely lost interest. I recall that the art got worse, as well, such a disappointment.

Priest is best manwha, fool
Kill yourself and repent

new chapter never ;_;

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