It's absurd that so many people would feel comfortable cyberizing their brains, especially when cyber crime and mind hacking is evidently possible. That would be the last organ in my body I'd feel comfortable networking. Is a smartphone really not fast enough for you?
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The bigger question is, why do you feel comfortable with being a walking, disconnected flesh bag? Have you ever seen someone's head go under moving car? A couple thousand pounds of pressure and you're returned to nothing, eternally.
You could buy an armored case for your head without connecting it directly to a corporate database
So you're fine putting all of your personal information on a cloud that could be hacked at any time but not cyberizing your brain?
Yes? How is this even a question?
You can always rebuild your life after getting hacked. You're not going to survive getting your fucking BRAIN scrambled by a hacker.
If you grew up in a world where the internet wasn't as integral to the way we live our lives as it is now you'd probably be complaining about muh hackers hacking your email and crap.
Is this related to an anime?
The upsides seem to greatly outweigh all the negatives if you ask me. Just don't get hacked.
Even if I got a cyberbrain I'd still be stuck in autistic mode
>Applying 3D world logic to 2D world
Yes user, it's about a very old anime.
New GITS literally just aired a couple months ago.
I think that's fair considering GITS is trying to be hyper realistic.
Unpopular opinion, although not as good as SAC Season 1, SAC_2045 wasn't bad either.
The worst GitS will always be 2: Innocence.
Yeah I quite enjoyed it, definitely better than Arise. The 3DCG is acceptable and as tradition, we got plenty of juicy tacticool combat involving the Major and his squad. The second half is much better than the first half, I'm sure the reception would have been better if the first half is as good as the second.
Even electronic brain crystal pancake elderly
O shit, the 2nd half is better than the 1st half? I was putting off watching it but I'll watch it right now.
I also liked Batou's fangirl hahaha.
Is Innocence good or just pretentious garbage?
So could you control your mood, your fear, your ability to feel anxiety or pain? Sounds like a bargain
Yeah, you should. I definitely feel the 2nd half somewhat redeemed the rather pedestrian 1st half. Pacing is faster and they explore some interesting existensialism.
Season 2 started with a bang too, hint: intense 3-way highway combat vs CIA cyborgs vs a certain transhuman.
It's just natural selection. People who are comfortable with brain implants get the cushy jobs, people who aren't bag your groceries.
It's like how retards who can't change their definition of "man" and "woman" are being kicked out of polite society nowadays. A lot of people aren't comfortable calling transgender men "men", but these people don't matter and should eventually die out.
>Having to have people tell you what to think.
If you want my $0.02 that badly, it's this: On top of being "5 pretentious quotes per second", none of the quotes dropped had a consistent theme or contributed to a final thesis, so yes. It's pretentious and it's pace was too slow.