
GT7 is out
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Thoughts on totally not the Mad Hatter?

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i want to see the clean version

If there's one thing that takes me right out of an anime, its the the 'fan service' trope. It feels a little patronizing if I'm honest, because I'm perfectly willing to watch a compelling anime without sexually assaulting the women with the camera.

didnt ask

Forehead supremacy

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I literally only care about Accelerator at this point. I used to enjoy the other MCs, but such an insulting and hypocritical storyline has robbed me of my fun with the other characters too.

Why doesn't someone just rape him?

Fuck off retarded falseflag
Fuck off R*dditor

These threads are populated by bots anyway, why bother.

didnt ask

>he self replied with >240904204 too
How transparent. Get /out/ and find a place more your speed. Facebook seems about right.

still didnt ask

Based and righteous. Removing Accelerator is really saying that he no longer wants to write anything interesting or with substance. Whether Kamachi realizes that he's telegraphing his deeper insecurities or not.

Watch out for Accelerator! He’s committed a number of heinous crimes including:
- self-defense
- taking in an orphaned child
- saving that child and almost ten thousand others from a targeted attack
- destroyed falsified data that could have led to the deaths of countless people
- saving that child from a deranged kidnapper and prevent that man from unleashing chaos upon a metropolitan city
- saving an old lady
- helping a thug who tried to attack him for no reason
- rejecting an extra-dimensional being who’s appearance caused psychic burden on thousands of people
- defeats forces throughout a war without any casualties and ultimately saves Europe from magic fallout
- eliminated the “need” for Academy City’s criminal network more than once
- helped to prevent a mobile castle from crashing onto a city
- protected scores of people from the hubris of a bug swarm monster
- defended a huge amount of people, time after time, in every event he found himself in
- including multiple mock fights he threw to protect them
- saved people from reigniting the fires of war in England, as well as protected those under fire
- disabled a great demon
And many more evil deeds, including whatever happened in the spinoff!

what MASSACRED the hype?

You already know the answer, and it is sidelining Accelerator so clumsily that all the themes the readers cared for were sidelined too. That and the bot spam.

>pedoshit filth posts two threads with the same OP prompt in rapid succession, one mislabeled as Kuroko when the image is not of Kuroko
>"Did we like it?" filth posts two threads with the same OP image and title, and similar filler prompts in rapid succession
Is the robutt malfunctioning or does she just hate her job

>16 posts
>7 IPs
Yeah I'm gonna sit this thread out thanks

Her only "crime" is being far too sexy, cute, beautiful, and cool for the staff who manages the franchise to handle.

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This cover looks like a complete visual clusterfuck.

Don't forget being the character with the most admirable sense of morality in the series (except where it concerns herself and her own treatment). The author is a coward for establishing Accel as only ever getting involved into the experiment in the first place because she didn't want to see more people hurt themselves by attacking her and then never having any character acknowledge that. The character who was described as such can't even acknowledge that. Meanwhile real villians who screw countless people over for no reason and sit back and watch as children die are excused and whitewashed.

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Well first off, do you care about any of those characters in the cover?

>No MisaMisa cover
I sleep.

Accelerator really should be constantly pregnant since she's been well established as the most maternal girl in the series. There's no competition.

I should probably give him a few hickeys so people don't notice his lack of a visible Adam's Apple.

I don't know what you were expecting. The summary made it clear that they are primarily appearing as bait.

Comparing Accelerator and Hamazura, who fill such different niches, is just laughable, and yet Kamachi resorted to it.