Fate Apocryha

Why is this anime so fucking dogshit, I just got to this scene and the sheer amount of plot armor involved was utter bullshit.

By all rights Jannu should have been turned into paste by her NP, since it filled all 3 conditions (at night, misty, vs a woman) which guarantees instant death, and they fucking hand waved it with "lol I'm resistant to curses" and she actually fucking isn't? God I'm pissed off.

Don't even get me started on just SOME of the other garbage that's happened so far

>No alarms for Sieg entering the mansion rescuing the homunculi
>The entire deal with Spartacus
>Mordred shrugging off suicide attacks just fine
>Astolfo being a completely useless jobber
>The entirety of Siegs character
>Siegfried committing suicide
>Jannu x sieg shipping
>Karna never being allowed to use his NP
>Avicebron trying to fight alone
>Jack not instantly killing Fiore when she had more than enough time to do so

Also, Jack thread I guess

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My favorite part was

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almost all of this post is wrong
why do retards not watch shows before posting dumb shit?

At least it's better than the whore of babylon's anime.
Also Spartacus is easily the best berserker of the franchise outside of FGO, which throws out the main attritube of the class altogether.

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>almost all of this post is wrong
explain how jannu shrugging off maria the ripper is right then

Because you have a combination of shit taste and retardation

>Jannu should have been turned into paste by her NP, since it filled all 3 conditions (at night, misty, vs a woman) which guarantees instant death, and they fucking hand waved it with "lol I'm resistant to curses" and she actually fucking isn't?
Is this that different from Seiba going "lol I tank your insta death sure hit broken Noble Phantasm despite taking it directly because Muh Luck"?
I mean, the franchise has pulled this kind of shit up from the very start.

>Also, Jack thread I guess

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>>Avicebron trying to fight alone
Nevermind that. Let's talk about how his golem thing was going to become unkillable soon and instead of waiting for that to happen he basically invited everyone to murder him ASAP.
Show's a fucking mess and I'll never understand the people who've deemed it worth defending. Half an hour of quality Mo-time and getting hard for Astolfo doesn't make the rest worthwhile.

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>Is this that different from Seiba going "lol I tank your insta death sure hit broken Noble Phantasm despite taking it directly because Muh Luck"?
it is actually, because gae bolg can be dodged by insane luck, which has saber has, but maria the ripper couldn't be dodged by jannu since she has 0 protection from it

that's a really good point too
he could have just waited at assassin's stronghold, let the golem grow to full strength and then go off to fight but no, the show just has to be retarded

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Seiba got fucked up from gay bulge while Jeanne coughed out a little blood.

After Zero and UBW it's still the best Fate series.
I'm not counting Prisma and Lord El Melloi since those are different genres than "summon Servants and fight with them" and it's comparing oranges and apples.
Last Encore was shit, all adaptations of Grand Order were just chopped out of the full big picture, and if we're moving away from animation, Strange Fake and Requiem are just shit that will never get wrapped up and only get tangled into themselves further and further by ever bringing new complicating elements that they will never ever sort out.
So the overall bar is pretty low. Just by actually getting to finish and tell its story in a reasonable timeframe while not looking as shitty as DEEN Fate, Apocrypha already at least accomplished the barest minimum of narrative almost every other Fate work so far has failed to meet.

>So the overall bar is pretty low. Just by actually getting to finish and tell its story in a reasonable timeframe while not looking as shitty
AKA the FMA argument. Nips suck with pacing and endings so fucking much that just managing to finish your story without it imploding on itself puts it far above average.

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Who? I don't recognize this uncouth knight. What is she doing in my kingdom?

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FMA's final arc was dogshit

It was very safe and by the books for shonen, but it was what the story was building up to and sensibly tied up pretty much all of the loose ends. That's way better than most other manga.

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get out of my thread aangnigger

Is this what she meant by
>even I know how to please a man

The most bullshit thing about gay bulge isn't that it was avoided, it's that they went
when gay bulge is bullshit overpowered and cu could literally do nothing but spam gay bulge the entire fight without any issues. Nasu went out of his way to make a broken spammable one shot move only to treat it like it was fucking excalibur, never using the part of gay bulge that made it bullshit. what was even the point of that?