Chainsaw Man

Will she redeem herself next chapter?

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What killed the hype?


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terrible taste.

>war devil is a trans

.......hype? ....anything?

too early in the thread to start samefagging, doomer

Before the thread goes on any longer.
You are not allowed to post anything about the following characters.

This but unironically

*saves csmpt2*

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If war devil took over her body permanently, then it would have been more interesting. Couldnt give two fucks about Asa's bully story

So bipolar?

Denji ruined part one, when they come back I rather it focus on Nayuta

oops, wrong pic

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Where's Denji?

Denji was the soul of Part 1, literally the only developed character with interesting character interactions.

Asa did nothing wrong

>A literal Makima clone with scars
Wow, so this is the power of The fujimoto..

no, yuko did

>literally the only developed character with interesting character interactions.
I know you are baiting because Aki exists

Fujimoto is woke retard.
Shit author, shit manga.

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Yuko did nothing wrong


nadeko from monogatari

Post Headcanon

Why did Nayuta turned into Kobeni?