Classroom of the Elite

>Horikita trending downwards
>Kei trending upwards
>Ichinobros stagnating
Not looking good Ichinobros.

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Sudo x Whorikita OTP

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So far all the girls are shit, some even have become worse like Horikita
Hopefully a good girl gets focus soon

>Hopefully a good girl gets focus soon
It's all Kei shit from here on out.

Based. My boy Sudo deserves to smash that Suzune pussy

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Actually, Horikita's stocks are making a gradual upward turn.

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>an ironic crackpairing spammed by a guy who hates them for 5 years


>conquer the festival and I let you use my first name
what is he supposed to do to get her on a date then

>one-sided and zero chance
>new girl was introduced to be shipped with Sudo
is not.

Sudo will cum inside Whorikita

Ichinose is still best. Horikita is second best. Kei is something like 5th or 6th maybe.

Ichinose is far from best. Kei is better than her.

Not even close. Kei isn't even top 5.

For me, it's Hiyori's soft and fat thighs

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How good are the light novels? How far am I going to have to read to catch up with the animes?

For me, it's Mio's sob and tears during hate sex after giving her a proper beating

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I'm just going to say it and rip off the bandaid bro, Ichinose is a garbage character who has absolutely nothing compelling about her. Especially in the 2nd year. Her entire class is the same way. She is as 1 dimensional as Sakura.

>How good are the light novels? How far am I going to have to read to catch up with the animes?

Only like 5 volumes. That might even put you past where the anime is. The LN is on its 17 volume.

>she cuts her hair
Absolutely disgusting

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Which girl is in the most need of a hard dicking?

You'll get double enjoyment compared to the anime. It's currently at 2/3 along volume 5

For me, it's Arisu and Suzune.

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