> The useless whore gets the kind, virgin, tall, strong and talented guy
How tf is this popular and critically acclaimed? Just a fanfic made by a femcel
> The useless whore gets the kind, virgin, tall, strong and talented guy
How tf is this popular and critically acclaimed? Just a fanfic made by a femcel
As opposed to every other anime, where the useless ugly short beta virgin male gets the harem of hot rich talented women? Beastars is wholesome by comparison.
I want to bang Legoshi like a screen door in a hurricane desu
>gets the harem of hot rich talented women?
Stopped right there, this never happen in the series I read
T. Toastie roastie
Yeah, but those animes are not critically acclaimed, lol. Those are junk food and we know it, instead, beastars try so hard to be complex
I hate beastars so much.
Legoshi is autistic and annoying.
The Itagaki bloodline is cursed...
Hate beastars, but read the manga, very talented in fights
She isn't even in like three fourths of the manga, is she? Besides it's cute that he gets oneitis for the first girl to rush his dick.
She is literally in the very beginning and essentially the catalyst for the entire plot baka baka
I'm still worried that since Paru and Nishi are good friends Iruma will shit the bed hard in the last few arcs.
What gives nuance to this is that their relationship is strongly implied to have a good chance of failure or to produce half-breed mutants even if it lasts. So while it can be seen as some female fantasy playing out, it can also be seen as a cautionary tale against going against your biological reality, or society.
That's the leg, actually.
And succeeded at that for a little while. It was when it stopped trying to be serious and went the dumb shounen route, that's when the story went to shit.
>How tf is this popular
>haru spends first half getting fucked by everyone and their dad
>haru inspects legosis knot
>it fits.jpg
>the turbo slut decides to take it slow with her savior wolfboy so no haru knots to be seen
>useless sea culture arc
>fucking anything related to melon
Beastars is just disappointing
this series was about: [/spoiler]eating is a metaphor for rape[/spoiler]
I feel like it's a commentary on how men and women are hardly compatible, it's inherently dangerous and unhealthy but "just go for it anyways because it's fun lol"
>critically acclaimed
Nobody above 10IQ defends the second half of the series