Servants must make sure they look good before heading into a battle to the death.
Servants must make sure they look good before heading into a battle to the death
Hot servants are actually quite retarded. I mean, how many wizards just got caught by their rivals while fucking a servant.
Scathach, right?
Grand Order made Servant deaths a joke.
>get a dramatic death scene, story tries to pretend it's a sad loss, FEEL DAMMIT FEEL
>lol you summoned me to Chaldea we're pals now let's engage in wacky event hijinx
Fuckers even get gag deaths in events and they pop again fine in the next ones, everyone is Carnival Phantasm Lancer now.
When they try to go with 'big' FOR REAL GUYS GONE FOREVAH demises like Adult da Vinci's or Musashi's it just feels like they are singling them out, so it's still shamelessly manipulative as fuck...
How can a hag be so fuckable?
She is NOT a hag
Get your fucking eyes checked
Canonically fucks young boys for sport.
You don't want to die with bedhead, after all.
sauce? Saucenow shows nothing
Fat ass servants.
I too want the friendship of her thighs
aww shit
it's abby hours
When having sex with your Servant, condom or no?
Gachashit is truly the cancer that's killing anime.
I was going to ask if they can get pregnant but the answer would be no regardless