Is there a more extreme example of a series besides Jojo which used to be relatively obscure but got ruined by normalfags and zoomers?
Is there a more extreme example of a series besides Jojo which used to be relatively obscure but got ruined by...
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When jojo got really popular during the SC anime, the oldest zoomers were like 10, dude
recently Lain (which isnt obscure akin to Jojo, just old) because tiktok kept replaying the OP
but jojo is in a league of its own: went from DUWANG to literally the manga for gays
idk, or the next youtube retard that'll rave the next big old thing
JoJo is in a league of its own because some normalfags who get into anime actually watch it
No 17yo memer actually watched Initial D, let alone the sequels
How far back do you believe Initial D relatively obscure? 1999?
>wait is that a jojo reference?
yeah i wouldnt think initial d is obscure if OP is implying that. during syndication, not only we had the anime and the manga at the same time but arcade games and the live action movie
hell even now there's mf ghost and stage zero - it's a mainstay at this point
obscure, or really fall from grade, is like fushigi yuugi
I'm pretty sure OP was talking about the west/outside of japan. Otherwise, JoJo wouldn't make a lot of sense either.
initial d had all those things outside the of japan tho
jojo had a dreamcast game and shitty scans for a long time
The peak was the mid to late 2000s.
>ruined by normalfags and zoomers
How so? No one is holding you off from enjoying it.
I don't think Initial D is a normie anime.
It's just borderline normie.
Some videos with running in the 90s, that's all
I see tons of zoomers and racing game fans spamming DEJA VU and KANSEI DORIFTO
>bbut back in my day
How can a show be ruined by other people's perception of it? You're fucking retarded.
>t jofags
Yes but how are those holding you off from enjoying the series?
Post your favorite eurobeat track that isn't featured in Initial D.
2005 like what this user said.
2005 was when the movie came out and it's popularity blew up. the movie starred a lot of super popular actors at the time, combined with Jay chou as the lead the movie is pretty much a guaranteed success and it really was huge at the time
How the fuck can someone ruin the series?
Do they retroactively change the data or something?
"Obscure" anime becomes popular with newfags, so it no longer belongs in "le secret club" and therefore contrarians have to hate it now.
Then they didn't like it to begin with desu.