Western anime fans' tendency to engage in fandom wars akin to videogame console wars is retarded and annoying, especially when you consider that these series aren't really competing against each other and are often published alongside each other in the same magazines. Do Japanese fans do this shit too?
Western anime fans' tendency to engage in fandom wars akin to videogame console wars is retarded and annoying...
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>Western anime fans
the answer is there. anime becoming popular in muttland was a mistake
Yes, so inferior to how Japanese fans threaten the creators and send them razor blades in the mail to kill themselves.
Clearly Western fans are the worst.
The only thing keeping some of the more unhinged western fans from doing the same thing is the language barrier.
I've seen shit like this in western fandoms too though. People get stalked by obsessive schizos at conventions and get sent death threats all the time for trivial shit like shipping the wrong characters
Literally the exact same shit happens in the East.
careful you will anger american
>Do Japanese fans do this shit too?
They prefer rankings.
Tiers and ordinal.
>Western anime fans
do you mean muslims, lantinx, nigs and other asians?
I doubt a white person has the will to learn the entire language just to trash on anime and manga producers
Only shounentards from Any Forums do this.
>aren't really competing against each other
They literally are that's how shonen jump works
wow japanese fans are vocal and they are not happy
Look no further than Shounen jump's popularity charts
gee user idk
>Do Japanese fans do this shit too?
They don't, at least for Jump manga.
>especially when you consider that these series aren't really competing against each other and are often published alongside each other in the same magazines
I mean... they are competing with each other. However this mostly applies to new series. The bottom sellers are competing with each other to not get axed.
>aren't really competing against each other and are often published alongside each other in the same magazines.
Dumb newfag
>Do Japanese fans do this shit too?
oh yes, they do.
that's because they are probably Any Forumsermins
At least you won't get shot in the east
you see what this is people? this is autism. you have no idea wtf he's ranting about. a literal talking jigsaw puzzle that needs to be deciphered.
The need for kids to band together in groups so they can scream at each other is universal.