
This thread is dedicated to the mentally strongest and most beautiful girl with big breasts in Fate!
Best Girl Sakura!!!

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Fuck off you disgusting trolls!!!
Captcha: STR8T; Damn Straight!

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You are awful!

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Used goods slut

You disgusting losers need to get a life!

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You see, I'm quite similar to you. I also obsessed with tortured anime girl. But mine is European and not raped by a swarm of worms. And that makes me superior.

You are nothing like me if all you can think about is how well you measure up to me when you see a thread I made admiring a girl I love, you insecure fuck.

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user, she is Japanese. Abandon her and find a better waifu.

>most beautiful girl with big breasts in Fate
So you're saying there are more beautiful girls in Fate, they just don't have big breasts?

berserker hercules is stronger than gilgamesh

What does race have to do with love?

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not as awful as the bipolar wormslut

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He lost to Gilgamesh with Gate of Babylon. He would have zero chance against Gilgamesh with Ea

Excellent taste op

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Everything. True love is communion of two souls. Therefore, it's impossible to truly love a non-white person because they don't have souls.

All sluts are purple haired

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I brought you the gift of wisdom, and you bite my hand? Be that way.


Pic not related. OP also spunds and types like an underage faggot.

Dude what the fuck? I had forgotten Sakura was even Japanese before you reminded me of it. Why would you even think about someone's race like that?

Thank you! Excellent dubs!!!

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>mentally strongest
>loses to avenger

This is why I prefer the Extra Sakura
She does get parasites at one point though

What's your hair colour?

Bait thread.