Archipel: Yuriko Akase and Junichiro Saito

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I don't understand how their viewcount is always so low given the quality of their videos.

people don't watch good videos. But for real, they should make them shorter

Compared to which reference points?

You've fallen for the simple trick. Stats like views, likes, and reposts are not important naturally, they are imbued into “professional bloggers” (as opposed to the normal people who post something on the internet) by services, because services grow by converting more eyeball attraction × more time spent into more money. As a result, people actually believe that they are attraction-making machines, and promote that nonsense further. Viewers, for example, talk naively about “interesting recommendations” or “recommendations based on personal interests” when in fact services “recommend” content based on a single important property: to get a specific person glued to the screen for more time. So there's a rat race of producing junk optimized for that (as long as they produce the intended results, shitty clickbait channels are actually Youtube's best business partners), and boasting about spectacular numbers that are inflated by the feedback loop. Do you think it's accidental that Youtube delivers awards based on mere numbers? Even Oscars are not about box office numbers like that.

I can't stand them. I want a honest, straightforward interview with no bullshit. All that other shit is annoying fluff to sell their videos. Feels like they treat me like a retard that gets emotional thinking about how deep my fav japanese cartoons are. I only cared for the Amano one.

You should be glad that the international community of modern equivalent to medieval scribes exists.

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I don't care about the views themselves but more about what it means for their bottom line since their patreon brings them around 700€ tops. I've been following them since they started on TV like 10 years ago so it's pretty frustrating to see.

Not everything should be done for financial gain. Seeing everything as a market is itself an affection of the modern age from which one should free oneself.


Looking at their thumbnails I think that's their biggest problem, combined with the titles.
I hate clickbait, but there needs to be something more than "name of person" + "broad description" as a title and a picture of some unknown person as thumbnail.
"Kazutaka Kodaka, writing a death game" with small danganronpa character sprites in the background just doesn't catch the eye of the typical danganronpa fan. I mean they don't even have the name of the game in the title.
I get what they are going for and the thumbnails match the vibe of the videos but that doesn't matter in any way if none of the people interested in the subject of the video even watch it because they don't recognize it as something they're interested in.

>Feels like they treat me like a retard that gets emotional thinking about how deep my fav japanese cartoons are.
You're not wrong, their videos certainly feels like it. At the end though, i don't really mind it, i mean there's a lot of variety of Japanese creators in it that i want to see and there's not a lot of these type of channels in the first place.

It's the same notion that everyone's default goal is to attract everyone at all costs, and that even a classical novel is somehow worse without the colourful cover with movie actors on it. It's clear how it benefits the platform/business/store owner, but since when everyone is a corporate drone?

It feels a bit silly to explain that, but some people do not study the fucking thumbnails (for heaven's sake) to choose the things they watch. If you are interested in something, you search for new information on that, join the relevant circles sharing it, you know the names of people making the thing, and when you find something as good as this channel, a decent blog, etc., you take note, and study the rest of it on your own accord. The worst way you can use the internet is treating it as TV, with “features” like “autoplay” and “endless stream” (of useless shit). Please do decide for yourself.

I kinda miss their toco toco and pre "deep" stuff vibes
their cinematography has improved though

Nice holier than thou attitude and putting words in my mouth. I said it would help get more views, not magically make the video itself better.

I like the channel but if they want to be sustainable they have to catch their potential viewerbase in some way.
Look at their Sakamoto video, that's got an eye catching thumbnail, the keyword "manga" and a lot more views than their normal stuff, how surprising. And it's not even clickbaity.

Stop rambling about your ideal fantasy world, climb out of your own ass and take a look at reality.

> it would help get more views
> if they want to be sustainable they have to catch their potential viewerbase
Stop, stop and think. Why are you assuming that it's a business (and also that its #1 goal is to increase turnover), despite the fact they have managed to do their thing for years, declined getting money from advertisements, and treat Patreon donations as voluntary donations, not as payments for some thing? AFAIK, no one has complained about the business side of the project, but you are already here with your advice. What kind of mental deficiency makes people so susceptible to a primitive belief that everything is a product, including your own self? It's like saying that your own kids are investment of money, and they have better have great outcome.


You finally engaged one of the points I made, wow.

>AFAIK, no one has complained about the business side of the project
Directly from their patreon:
>Why do we need your funding? Archipel is fully self-funded, meaning that we are working side jobs in order to sustain the channel and create content. Your funding directly contributes to financing the costs related to the channel: life expenses, studio rent, equipment, transportation and more.

More cash => less time spent on side jobs => more videos and a better life for both of them
is what I make of that paragraph.

>they have managed to do their thing for years
And this means they're 100% happy with how things are?

>that its #1 goal is to increase turnover
Where did I say that?

>that everything is a product
Where did I say that?

>kids are investment of money
There you go with your analogies again.

And I don't get your hate. It wouldn't diminish the quality of the videos in any way if thumbnail/title were changed to something more attractive. So why the hate?

Authors state that they do it because they feel it needs to be done, and in that way. Their goal is not making money or getting “views”. You can increase “views” easily by buying bots, but what would be the point of it? Bots do not understand what they see. Donations are voluntary, they are not the way of making money, or an obligation to deliver some enjoyable thing (though authors can promise to do that). People want to help them, and share the burden, that's great, the end. I can't stand the fake hypocrisy of “My — paying — fans are the most important thing to me! Their opinion is the law!”, especially if it comes from someone who makes a lot more money than their average viewer.

It's not the hate. You're just one of many many people who automatically consider everything to be a market transaction because of modern confession that economical models are somehow auto-applicable to everything. It is wrong, and I want to stop you. Someone might not want “the views”, or consider them valuable at all. Someone might not want “better” (according to whom?) thumbnails, or any thumbnails at all. They can do it, and it's better to try to understand their reasons than to apply popular one-size-fits-all snake oil solution.
