One Punch Man

Will the manga burn down before it reaches it's conclusion?
How are we supposed to get the clown arc if Amai Mask doesn't get to see Saitama's fight?
How will Flashy Flash blackmail Saitama into training under him if Saitama wasn't the one to break his sword?
Will we even get a Pet Black Sperm now that he's seemingly obliterated out of existence now? Is he really going to be replaced by Memeko?
Will we ever get to see Garou's evil final transformation?

This and more in Murata Is A Hack!

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I wish ONE just continued the WC and anime adapted the WC. Perfect timeline we'll never be in, alas.

If I have to see this picture one more time

it truly is painful

>Same picture
It's a bit different

I'm really close to just dropping the manga completely, it went from deconstruction of shonen to just becoming another regular shonen.

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really badly animated but still hot

Amai Mask will come at the very end.

What BURIED the hype?

no fuck off it's been discussed to death

>Amai Mask will come at the very end.
I'll bet on this one, I still have some hope

>season 2 being trash
>ONE not giving enough of a fuck to keep tardwrangling Murata

>replying to botposts

>I wish ONE just continued the WC and the Manga just only adapted the WC with few additions. No steering off the path. Perfect timeline we'll never be in, alas.
Fixed it.

OPM animated like mob psycho would unironically be kino of the highest degree.

People say it's a gag manga so why did murata literally cut all of the webcomic gags in the MA arc?

All i ask is for Sonic to get his own spin-off Cooking Manga.

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Metal Bat > FF > Bang > The rest

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Amai Mask > Bang > FF > The rest
Fixed it

metal bat swagger