Why does no one talk about this movie?

why does no one talk about this movie?

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It gets brought up every now and then. Pretty good film, nothing exceptional. The morale of the film is debatable, as the concerns of the neo-nazis are shown as legitimate, even if they don't live up to their ideas. The solution that Derek and his brother chooses doesn't seem to be workable on a societal level, it's more akin to unilateral disarmament.

They don’t like the redemption arc

> 25yo old movie
> woah were's the general is this some sort of conspiracy against nazis

>think for yourself and don’t blindly follow me or your teacher

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Fucking love this movie, sometimes put it on when i'm really depressed to cheer me up

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everyone watched it 20 years ago

It shows a racist redeeming himself and that black people can be shitty too. Ironically I think it would get talked about more now if they kept the planned ending.


what was the planned ending?

Left-wing garbage.

>if they kept the planned ending.
I am interested. What was it?

Derek going back to his old ways after the shooting. Norton pretty much outright refused to do it.

Ed shaving his head.

This is a meme. Ed Norton made the movie more relatable and nuanced, the gigajew director wanted it to be a cartoon. Look up the deleted scenes.

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>don't be racist or else you'll get raped in jail
Wow, so deep.

Do nazis really have gay sex with each other all day? It's literally all I've taken from this movie.

>makes valid point
>follows it up by doing something violent and irrational
>makes valid point
>follows it up by doing something violent and irrational
>gets sent to prison
>for some reason, the smart guy who makes valid points doesn't understand that prison gangs aren't political organizations
>for some reason, he becomes disillusioned with white nationalism because the criminal prison gang filled with sociopaths does criminal sociopathic shit
what an incoherent mess. I guess the NPCs are supposed to garner some 'racism bad' message from it or something but it offers them a 'grittier', more 'true-to-life' perspective - so they think they have an understanding of pro-white dissident movements. Or maybe it's for high-school students to watch and 'discuss' in class.

They couldn't get away with it now though. Any pro-white portrayed in the media these days needs to be dehumanized and portrayed as a terrorist.

Elliot Goul came into my job when I was a teenager, a gelato store. I drew a swastika on the cup and said, "THIS MEANS NOT WELCOME!"
His face froze, I shouted "Now get your shylock nose out of my fucking store."
Worth the bad yelp review.

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first of all, go back to bunkerchan or facebook with the other retards, second of all watch the dinner scene. If you can't relate at all to that scene then you have clearly never lived in an inner city during a riot or just generally lived in the ghetto. Why are you even on Any Forums if you're determined to be close-minded?

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huh? I don't care about borat bro I just asked a question about nazis and gay sex

dunno what a bunkerchan is. I just found it interesting that the movie depicts nazis having gay sex. Is it accurate?

have sex incel (not with a child)