Why are Latin, Asian, and Native American representation so lacking in American movies and TV?

Why are Latin, Asian, and Native American representation so lacking in American movies and TV?

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because they arent faggots, unlike niggers

Latin is fairly well represented, Asians are basically white, and literally no one likes the natives.

Because it's about tearing down white people and inverting everything. Latinos or Asians aren't subversive enough in the eyes of those people. Blacks are the "opposite" of whites in an immediately identifiable visual sense.

They don't care about minorities or tolerance or whatever. What they do care about is destroying what they perceive as evil oppressive structures which they associate with whiteness, masculinity, fitness, family and a lot of other things.

too hot

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>mfw black people complain about oppression and racism when my people were here longer and are basically extinct whilst stuck on shitty reservations and hardly getting mentioned in the media or be politicians

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Mongoloids are not in the current agenda.

>by politicians*

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>Latin is fairly well represented
Ah yes, the beloved drug cartel member....

They're not burning down the country and murdering everybody.

there's nothing hollywood despises more than asian beauty

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>Why are Latin, Asian, and Native American representation so lacking in American movies and TV?

all of those have been markedly increasing/improving over the last decade you lying sack of shit

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I'm Lumbee and you should see all the young kids who now act black and support BLM, whereas anyone over the age of 25 hates that shit.

Because the American culture is based around worshipping....

Um, have you seen what they do to redheaded characters?

Blacks are the orcs meant to make you mad, Jews like to humiliate whites


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get your plastic surgery clones out of here
kpop fags need to die in their sleep

yes really you dumb shit

stuff like Reservation Dogs or Minari would not have been made in the past


This chick is a literal prostitute who gets off on hookering

Have you seen either of those?
You're a fucking hypocrite dude.

They could easily have been made 20 or 30 years ago.

you haven't seen them so you don't know and you don't care

you guys had beverly hills Chihuahua

And you're not arguing in good faith.

You're not arguing in good faith. Latin, Asian and Native representation has been markedly improving recently in American film and tv.
You don't actually fucking care because you don't even particularly care about film and tv or watch much of the good stuff that's made.

You just want to pretend to complain/ discuss it so you can shoehorn crying about black people. You're not even capable of having the discussion you pretended to start because you don't watch anything or care.