ITT: perfect casting

ITT: perfect casting

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Cast them.

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Matthew McConeghey and Henry Rollins

It's a scary thought, but you know, some time in the future, actors will all just be AI-created CGI.

uhh... that's not a real person.

Homer, meanwhile, is an impossible cast.

chris farley

>scary thought
imagine generating a 'celeb' and then copy righting it and then renting it to disney for star wars 32: yoda gets a colostomy bag part 3

the future is all about taking the artists job and making it into a technicians

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That's a good thing though. I hope eventually AI replaces this disgusting, retarded ape species.

kevin bacon and kevin james

also, dominic west is probably too handsome but i always thought looked a bit like moe

wut no way

robb wells as sneed
nicolas cage as chuck

uhh... shut the fuck up

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Kevin bacon or the wop glowie from transformers

i always imagined him like a fat bruce willis


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