Steel reserve

>steel reserve
>whatchu know about that?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>deep themes in this video. the man's work scrubs are a clear reference to a prison jumpsuit - underscoring the metaphor that the protagonist lives in a prison - a prison of his own creation. The video's central theme: the daily struggle to find purpose and meaning in a nihilistic modern society, is driven home by the fact he has to "drink a brew to get through the day". He opens his blinds and remarks that the sun is not out yet - there is no bright future on the horizon yet. Around him, only the bleak arizona desert - representing the barren wasteland of modern society and the lack of any hope. The room itself is adorned with technology and patterns from the 90's, representing the optimistic expectations we set for ourselves before the new millenium, utterly failing to achieve the bright future we envisioned, which now serves as our prison as the room serves as the man's. There is nothing left to do but to distract ourselves with fleeting entertainment, as the protagonist does with KidPics.

>The cinematography is masterful, the fish eye lens distorts the viewers vision at the edges and only things in our immediate view are clear and defined, and larger than they should be - reinforcing the central theme of how shortsighted man has become, constantly pursuing immediate gratification, a tragic but perhaps necessary adaptation to the nihilistic post-modern world. As the man becomes intoxicated, the perspective shifts below him, forcing the viewer to share in his intoxication and underscoring the power the man feels as his buzz increases.

>simply kino

is this the purest Any Forumscore video on youtube?

Absolutely. It’s almost Lynchian. Far too highbrow for modern YouTube.

>I was treated by the mods of this board to one off topic thread
>walk on, jannie

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your whole family aught to be rangebanned


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Steele Reserve or Straight Drop

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>I was treated to an off topic thread
>I had one shitpost

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Holy hell, is the steel reserve guy a replica of this?

can someone link the video?
I can't find it on youtube

Are you fucking retarded? Its like top 5 result if you just search steele reserve

user was bein' weak, had to beg anons for sauce... whatchu know about that

Based 1st 13th poster. King Cobra is fucking kino.

Probably lots


imagine not playin a lil kidpix while drinkin steel reserve before work

>that TV
>that computer with KidPix
>that camera lens
So soul. Way too fucking soul for 2010.

I dunno nuthin' else to do around here... it's Arizona for you it's all desert

>Not the brightest idea, but fuck it.

>pff, not me, you!

reminder that alcohol is a depressant


Certified hood classics

Attached: comedygoldtime.jpg (356x426, 48.99K)

of the cns, relieving your mind


I unironically drink three Steel Reserve High Gravities every night