Not salsa, not flamenco, my brother…

Not salsa, not flamenco, my brother…

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Good morning sir.

should I watch RRR?
everyone is shilling it these days

butter chicken

Do you


Unironically, the best film I have watched in the last five years or so.

I’m glad and yes. I saw it in theatres back in March and it was fucking insane. I recommend you watch the original Telugu audio though because it’s way cleaner

Good film, but I could have done without the "white man bad" narrative. It went so far as to even show most of the women as sympathetic as if most of them wouldn't be disgusted in their presence.

>white man bad
It’s very clearly not about the white race as a whole, it’s about specifically British colonialism in India which honestly was just as cartoonishly evil as it’s depicted in the film. In fact its depiction doesn’t even come close to reality because it doesn’t actually depict the rape of Indian women which was widespread.

It's on Netflix, it's 3 hours. It's the best action movie you'll get for a while. So yes.

But the way they showed the British Empire as this satanic all mighty final boss was amazing. The general who ended up being like an anime villain was sick. And the British Empire were absolutely that evil you brainlet. Even reading historic revisionism by the Brits, even they themselves knew they were complete bastards. They caused a famine that murdered 30 million people. Gets fucking grip man

It's the last movie the queen of england saw. She dropped dead right after

Now I have to watch it.

The film that buck broke Anglos

how can british and indians hate eachother when they share the same indo european ancestors?

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>they were evil

Indian people are not without sin. Indian people just had the unfortunate reality of being conquered and subjugated. It happened to many societies and people throughout history. It doesnt excuse letting white women being portrayed as sympathetic because modern day liberal white women want to act like they weren't telling their husbands to murder the brown man that touched her.

>Uhm whataboutism bro! They weren't saints!
There's quite literally no justification for colonization you white nigger.

>Hey we might have literally killed tends if millions of their people, stole all their wealth, and brutalized their population for over a century but portraying us as evil in their movies is not right!

I'm glad it upset you! I'm glad you're bitching about it. In glad you got offended when an evil empire was portrayed accurately. I hope you lose sleep over it

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every piece of media made by pajeets reeks of self-worth issues and delusion. they're worse than the chinks in this respect

The British caused, both purposefully and through negligence/incompetance, multiple famines in multiple countries that make the holodomor and Mao's sparrow adventure pale in comparison. But somehow it's communism that's causes famines.


Yes there is. The society was weaker. The big fish always eats the little one.
India has fucking caste system. The society was built upon some mudskin being below the next. You still have Indians today that won't marry outside their caste. Indian society forced marriages. Very oppressive. The society was contemptible. I guarantee the British wouod have allowed india to grow into the billions and shit in the Ganges. White society actually has ethics.

>No you see we had to starve 30 million people to teach them how to be civilized
I really don't fucking care to be your history teacher. I don't know what fanfiction you're swallowing but nobody believes this, you're mentally ill and only you think this way. So keep it to yourself