Why is the media so biased against national socialism? They never show both sides of the argument

Why is the media so biased against national socialism? They never show both sides of the argument.

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Are you kidding me?!

I think this movie is pretty much openly pro natsoc. He is never really presented as the bad guy. I enjoyed it.

Hitler was a socialist?, no wonder putin admires him so much

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It's a failed system.

No clue user it's a complete mystery

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>a jew plays an aryan

>more collar
>but herr hindenburg, you vould suffocate

>I was Lawrence of Arabia, you know

Robert Carlyle isn't a jew though

Himmler doesn't exist in the movie

Why is Any Forums obsessed with this cheap made for TV dogshit from 20 years ago?

He's Scottish, which is about as close as you can get to being a Jew without being a Jew

Are you kidding? Carlyle portrays him as a barely coherent lunatic retard


We love Hitler

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it was HitKINO

The only thing they have in common is being cheap, the Scots are all cheap and broke though.

Hitler had a chin and a normal sized nose.

>Ottoman bug an Aryan

Also the problem is that there were too many genuinely crazy and evil people in the Nazi party that brought it's downfall. Also the fact that they got trolled by some self hating Jew in America that wrote some book about Jewish supremacy filled with fake quotes and support from made up people that created a scare in Germany.


But he’s denazifying Ukraine I thought

At least when merica went into Iraq President bush had the common decency to at least lie to the UN for approval

>1939, he published pamphlets as "chairman of the American Federation of Peace" that argued that Americans should be sterilized so that their children will no longer have to fight in foreign wars.[2][3]
You can see the parallels to today in media. Almost like a stereotype