Self improvement is masturbation

Self improvement is masturbation.

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Masturbation is self improvement.

I'm a chronic masturbator


yeah he just means you get yourself off on your improvement, but his world doesn't have time for "self-improvement", only his countercultural actions that have results, which is world improvement more than self in his eyes. a guy lifting dumbbells to look better might as well be jacking off in his eyes.

glad many people missed the point of this because they are stupid

>many people missed the point
Get used to it, kid.

I am used to it retard. Just because I speak about it doesn't mean I'm not used to it. I'm 36, faggot.

>dude self improvement is masturbation, men who go to the gym to look like a calvin klein model are dumb
>tyler durden literally looks like a calvin klein model

what did they mean by this unironically?

The point of the movie is that Durden is a hypocrite


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That his appearance was meaningless because only one guy ever saw him and everyone else saw a beat up office worker

Internet redpill "just lift" culture made me realize that self-improvement is reddit and try hard.

I am hobomaxxing now.

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I wanted to shitpost answer but if you think about it he has a point - self improvement without action is aimless at best or degenerate at worst - retard perfecting his katana technique without doing anything with it but just "im doing this for myself" is time wasting gratifying himself, now if that retard took his skills and made money or started a one man rampage.. that would be another thing
Hard to apply to lifting and such cause the test boost and health benefits give gains in everything else you do

None of it pays off
That's what I am realizing now. I asked out a dozen girls. 1 a year since I was 15. Every girl turned me down.
At one point I kept thinking about what I did right, and what I did wrong. Now I realize those were a cope and none of what I did mattered. None of my friends or colleagues had the same problems as I did and their advice didn't work for me. Now I realize they never had logic behind their advice. Which is why when I confronted them after they said I didn't go far enough and doubled down on failed advice. This is a very common pattern in human beings because they refuse to change their worldview to accept new information and instead double down on strategies that don't work

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Still taking bait like a predictable little fish.

Tyler Durden is the narrator's wish-fulfillment fantasy and his wish-fulfillment fantasy has two different parts: one is to blow shit up, the other is to look like a stereotypical hot guy and get girls. Those two parts don't always agree with each other. The movie even references this when Tyler and the narrator see an underwear ad on a bus and Tyler (who is played by a famous handsome man who has gym muscles) looks at the ad and says something like "is that what a real man looks like?" Tyler looks like a male model because even though the narrator is trying to break away from his boring conformist life, his idea of what a successful man is like is largely the same as what society in general thinks a successful man is like.

>I asked out a dozen girls. 1 a year
That is a small sample size and makes it hard to figure out what the issue is, is it your looks? Your game? With that sort of sample size, who knows. If you were trying to make moves on a dozen girls a week, or at least like a dozen girls a month, and trying to learn from your experiences as you went along, it would be a different matter. Then eventually you'd either get results or learn that you were right that it was never going to pay off. But with 12 girls, 1 a year, who knows?

*To be more precise, the problem is not so much the sample size, it's that with 1 a year you probably are not improving your game from attempt to attempt. So you're getting the results of someone whose approaches are not improving over time. If you were trying to get with 12 girls a month, you'd be able to learn from your experiences much more effectively and improve your game.

Why doesn't the narrator realize that his new friend looks exactly like famous Hollywood actor Brad Pitt? Or is Brad Pitt's character in Seven Years in Tibet played by someone else, like how in Last Action Hero, Sly stars in Terminator 2?

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By the logic of the FC you are a god at this point. As we all are.

That sign clearly says Seven Year In Tibe. Are you stupid?

>The movie even references this when Tyler and the narrator see an underwear ad on a bus and Tyler (who is played by a famous handsome man who has gym muscles) looks at the ad and says something like "is that what a real man looks like?"

The Tyler Tulpa was made to do something, this scene could be interpreted as Tyler trying to teach the Narrator something, or lift the veil. If this interpretation is correct, the end of the movie might be interpreted as Tyler having been successful in his raison d'etre and self-terminating. Or being discarded by the Narrators subconscious as a part of him that fulfilled its function.
Which makes this even more nihilistic since all the cult/terrorist stuff was only a means to the end of the Narrators fulfillment.