Marvel will never put out kino of this caliber

Marvel will never put out kino of this caliber

Attached: 1658100409179822.webm (1224x674, 2.85M)

the guy who jumped with the tigers would've immediately broken his legs from that jump

Attached: 1653071596098.webm (1000x526, 2.9M)

4 U

that's pretty cool, I like it

What is it with poojeets and slow motion? Why do they like it so much?

>that moment when the cages open
ok that was pretty cool

how else you how he do it? saving you the research time.

It's like casino scene from Last Jedi.

>soldier with a goofy look on his face slips on a banana peel

It's just as fast as the way indian brains are capable of processing input. They think they see it in normal speed.

>how else you how he do it?
Good morning sirs

the strength of his body was throughout various scenes in the film
dudes legs probably hurt less than the tigers after that jump

>Bheem breaks into this party, unleashes violent wild animals on the crowd and destroys tons of property
>Jenny still likes him at the end of the movie

Would you guys rather be born as an Indian male or Indian female?

I like the warnings at the beginning of this film
>Everything is fictional, just a bit of fun, we don't mean to offend anyone
>proceeds to portray Anglos portrayed as pure evil

abortion please

Every single problem on this planet can be traced to Anglos or Jews.

and yet bheems hearts desire is a beautiful English rose.

To be honest I might rather be a basketball American

why do low iq people love slow motion so much?

>user realizes pussy is the root cause of all wars

They tried a bit too hard with the fire vs water theme in this scene. I don't think Bheem has any reason why he would believe a hose would be a decent weapon.

these are just as gay as marvel movies, only difference is that they use 3 seconds of slo-mo every 5 seconds

This is real funny and someone should do this at the queens funeral

I found this film to be terribly unrealistic. Where was all the poo?

If he isn't Indian then yes but this guy is Pajooti Mumbairaati so that is an average day for them.

Nepal male