Actual kino

>actual kino
>it filters Any Forums
Why does it keep happening ...

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what did you like about it?

I've read many positive reviews and even those say it's basically Elba and Swinton sitting in a hotel room and Elba narrates stories.


why is it good?

>Black man with red haired girl
More like 6000 years you fucking african-loving jew retard. Fuck you

Marathoning the torrent right now and it is indeed kino. Reminds me of pic related which is certified Any Forumscore.

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It was going as well as The Fall, but then the movie fucking ends as we go to London and uh... Love if a gift you can't wish for? Just disappointing.

I’m trans and I love it and so do all of the nonwhite males I’m friends with, our tastes really do overlap for some reason. We all watch the same porn, I don’t know what it is.

why do I keep telling myself I should watch the Fall and then never do?
I think I'm scared it's been hyped too much and I won't like it...

Just watch because its a good movie. Who cares about hype?

It is not kino at all. It has one good scene and that's the Shiba/King Soloman part. Most of it is rubbish and it's incredibly political and preachy.
I expected better of Miller.

That's the good part of the movie

What makes it good? if you don't answer then it isn't and you're shilling it for some other reason

It is overhyped (on Any Forums that is), but you should watch it anyway and pop the cherry

I almost watched this a few weeks ago on national cinema day, but I ended up watching that Brad Pitt train schlockfest instead :)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Old menopausic ladies wish for the BDC. But not every day, just a booty call every few years.

>Who cares about hype?
years of people praising it have created in my mind expectations that might be too much to meet.

It's not a good movie. Where is your hype now?

Actually what was up with that ending? Was she a schizo? Was he too weak to be with her all the time? What about her other wishes?

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Tilda. She's always kino and deserves an Oscar

>Was she a schizo?
No. The entire movie I was waiting for the twist that she's imagining everything but then the final scene has that kid kicking the soccer ball at the Djinn and he kicks it off a lamp post and the kids all react to it proving that he's real.
>Was he too weak to be with her all the time?
Yes, there was too much cellphone radiation, he was free to go anywhere while serving her so he only visits her once a year for a week or two.
>What about her other wishes?
This is a plot thread that they never wrapped up. Basically she only made one wish and he granted it, I think the movie is implying that this story is going to go horribly wrong like all the others, I mean the Djinn is already basically dying everytime he has to see her, the implication is that her pleasure is his suffering and she'll probably die before she can release him or may even refuse to release him because she knows he doesn't really love her, so he's probably going to end up back in a bottle, his story never ends.

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