Was this specifically aimed at the ironic weeb soi so-bad-it's-good vaporwave redditor audience...

Was this specifically aimed at the ironic weeb soi so-bad-it's-good vaporwave redditor audience, or is it just a funny coincidence?

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it's legitimately well made and funny

Look, I'm all for weird shit and I appreciate what they were going for. But this shit was way too retarded for me to even appreciate it on an ironic level.

It's 50 years old. Probably just LSD

This film is from 1985, dude, I don't know what you are thinking. "Vaporwave" emerged in the 2010's based on this time period, and Reddit certainly did not exist back then.

Seriously. Wtf is wrong with you?

Attached: reddit.jpg (1292x947, 385.91K)

People don't like Princess Bride?

I don't watch family movies unless I'm with my kids, but Princess Bride is one of the best family films produced.

A lot of Japanese horror movies from the 80s are like that. It's just a product of that era.

>about to eat healthy food and then go exercise
>read that reddit has at least one subreddit dedicated to healthy food and exercise
>drive 500 meters to the nearest McDonalds and proceed to lie in bed eating goyslop instead

I like both - If you think that's reddit you can go back there and tell them.


The 80s ruined cinema. That decade created the "so bad it's good" culture that so many people follow when it comes to watching movies.

Kung Fu > prof > fantasy > gorgeous > melody > sweet > big mac

Attached: coomfu.png (956x815, 1.31M)

House is kino. I don't care if people on other websites like it lol I just watch whatever I want. How do you know what redditorinos like anyway, OP? Kinda sus fr

Dude, middle school 2004, every single kid i knew loved PB and none of us had more than dial up. I don't know why reddit has anything to do with a 10/10 classic, unless you're a zoomy zoom zoomer that surfs reddit. *sips* what's the saying? takes one to know one i guess.
>that's right me and my two buddies used to watch that toy story vhs tape like there was no tomorrow.

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I bet OP hates this, too

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It's literally a vore fetish film.he claims he got the idea for from his kid daughter.

You're off by almost a decade. It came out in 1977. Right on the other though it wasn't even officially screened in the US until 2010.

Calling "reddit" anything made before the actual appearance of reddit is the most reddit thing ever. The older is the thing the more reddit is the caller.

I haven't been keeping up with Any Forums much lately
Is Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness considered soi cringe yet?

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