How bad was Trench Warfare compared to our current heavy strike strategy tactics?

How bad was Trench Warfare compared to our current heavy strike strategy tactics?

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It could be really, really bad. Or it could be boring/comfy. It all depended on the weather, the quality of the trench, and intensity of the fighting in that sector.

If the tempo of operations is high, and its cold and wet, and you're in a poorly drained trench with inadequate gear, you'll have a bad time, and probably die or get injured or really sick. But if it's late spring, and you're posted in some sleepy, nothingburger sector that involves little to no action, and you can provision farm fresh produce from small French town a few miles away, you'll probably enjoy it. It's like camping with the lads. You might even establish a soft ceasefire with the enemy when the officers are away.

storm of steel movie when


>storm of steel movie when

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This guy summed it up. If you had the awful anti-gas tactics of the time and got gassed (sometimes by your own side) or were in the hellish trenches that were within grenade distance of the enemy line it was truly apocalyptically terrifying.
But some places it was standard moving dirt armies have done for millenia and you just fucked around.

constant noise and shaking by artillery, rampant disease, mice and other pest and god help you when the rain hits
going over the top is one of the most nerve wrecking thing you can do

It was awful.
t. WW1 vet

The officers are never that far away.
Most trenches got regular shelling and even on quiet sectors every now and then one side or he other would try an attack, just to keep the lads busy.
Maneuver warfare on the other hand means that you are on the move a lot and there won't be much respite or routine.

Thank you for your service.
Merci pour votre service.
Dance für ihre dienstleistung

WW1 was more brutal than any war ever since. WW2 was fucking child's play compared to it


kind of a dumb qualifier. Medieval wars may have appeared kino but those guys were just straight up stabbing and chopping each other to death face to face whereas a lot of the worst parts of WW1 were from distance, artillery barrages and charges into machine gun fire.

It was the suicide of Europe

Just read the book. It’s literally 300 pages describing how bad it is

On the quieter days of the war the British would lose around 5000 men per week killed or wounded across the line, referred to as 'normal wastage'. Over 2700 men were killed in the last 11 hours of the war. That gives some insight into how dangerous it was even when not caught up in one of the massive apocalyptic battles.

I read a book by a German and he said he got used to it and kind of enjoyed it. You could die at any moment so instead of panicking you just cross your fingers and get on with it. Surrounded by sudden burst of shrapnel or shells, people randomly dying around you. You could either go insane or adapt, and most, stunningly, adapted.

Yeah, kinda fun living the rest of your life without legs

not who you're replying to but what's the point of your reply here? You do realise WW1 was a drafted war...right?

Biggest cause of death in pre-modern warfare was disease. The attrition rate was crazy, around a quarter of Swedish troops stationed in their garrisons in the baltics and northern Germany in the 16th and 17th centuries died of disease in a year.

In battle, the heaviest casualties happened when one side started fleeing.

germ*ns started the first world's war because they wanted to conquer the world

A quarter of the population of central europe died to disease and famine during the 30 years war you're refering to.

And WW1 was horrible, living in a trench was hell, don't believe that guy saying it was comfy if you were in an area with no fighting. Soldiers were rotated around the front because battles would last for weeks or months

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reddit called they want you to go back

I wasn't even talking about the actual campaigning, just garrison duty.

Yes, the 30 years war was a terrible calamity, even after wwii the German public thought that the 30 years war was a worse tragedy for Germany than wwii.