What are some Any Forums shows/films like Serial Experiments Lain?

What are some Any Forums shows/films like Serial Experiments Lain?

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idk i've never seen anything like it but i liked it

I'm not gonna tell you.

The Turin Horse (2011)

>what are some bad movies


Videodrome obviously influenced Lain. eXistenZ is also pretty good.

Normie shit

>The Matrix (1, 2, 3)
>Dark City
>Buck Breaking
> any movie made by Carey Mulligan

take your HRT pills and dilate

shut tf up lain

>Retarded and makes no sense
twin peaks

>watch episode one
>be mesmerized
>watch episode two
>fall asleep
What am I doing wrong?

There's a million shows and movies out there about underage girls.
These threads are pathetic.

Matrix is a good one, the bits before Neo get out capture the warped reality aspect pretty well (and Neo is basically Lain). I haven't seen much else in common with it.

Probably nothing. Directors and such aren’t exactly the intelligent type of which would be necessary to conceive something like Lain. You’d be better off asking /lit/ for comparable books

World on a Wire

More thematically similar to the Matrix, but the computer buzzing that is present throughout kind of reminded me of the power lines in Lain. Great movie for people who like vintage tech and psychological thrillers. There's really nothing like pre-1980s retrofuturism...

I stalk this girl on instagram watching her stories everyday and realziing shes a fan of the show made me feral, she has the same eyes and demeanor, i saw he post a story and she was clubbing and it detoured me from dming her since i didnt think she was that type of girl, then i remebered lain clubbed so idk what to think anymore

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Came here to post this


I saved a poster of that to my "movies to watch" folder, but I thought it was about tightrope walking for some reason
will watch it, thanks for the rec

Why watch Lain when you can listen to the album Twilight by Bôa