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will watch and enjoy this movie

We wuz slavers n shiet.


There was no woman king though. Just women fighters because the king lost all the men to slave trade.


I like this movie because instead of covering a historical event that makes black people look good or at least grey they whitewash an empire built on capturing slaves and girlboss the elite slave catcher unit.


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Why does she have Bangalore's haircut from Apex?

I think the job of the woman unit was actually exclusively slave raids. Essentially IRL Warhammer dark elf sisters of slaughter.

I thought this was Black Panther 2

Armed with rifles fired from their hips.
In their first battle against the French, they were all wiped out and only 8 French were killed.
French sources states the women would drop their guns after firing once from burning their hands by holding the gun incorrectly.

She borrowed the hair trimmer from the nigger elf in RoP

Yeah, but those are hate facts. They're gonna make it so that the African Kweens have a 10 to 1 k/d ratio against those evil invading white frenchmen as it should have happened.

why is it called the woman king? do niggers understand how words work?

i hope someone filmed it

I hope it bombs.

>This unusual emergence of an all-female military regiment was the result of Dahomey's male population facing high casualties in the increasingly frequent violence and warfare with neighbouring West African states, which led to Dahomey being forced to annually give male slaves to particularly the Oyo Empire, which used that for commodity exchange as part of the growing phenomenon of slave trade in West Africa during the Age of Discovery. The lack of men likely led the kings of Dahomey to recruit women into the army
>Some women in Fon society became soldiers voluntarily, while others were involuntarily enrolled if their husbands or fathers complained to the king about their behaviour

I rode on the bus with this woman today

That’s more historically accurate.