An ancient race

An ancient race.

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he's just a tanned slav

OUATITW is as kino as films get. Right up there with 2OO1, Chinatown, and Bridge on the River Kwai.

I never liked Bronson
No I'm not trans btw


He has Tartar genes. He'd be a great choice for a Genghis Khan movie back in the day - Asiatic face, light features

Yeah, you look it

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>He'd be a great choice for a Genghis Khan movie back in the day - Asiatic face, light features
They already cast it perfectly

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tell me other kino westerns to watch after this masterpiece, I already saw Dollars trilogy

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Depends. Are you more interested in other spaghetti westerns or do you want traditional American westerns too?

The Searchers is one of the best

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Why did you type 2001 like 2OO1

Watch The Wild Bunch next.

Time to shift over and watch the films thar inspired Spaghetti Westerns, like Yojimbo, Sanjuro, and Seven Samurai


They went nearly extinct with the invention of the toothbrush

I watched The Shooting with Jack just this afternoon, what a bleak and insane movie, only an hour 21 minutes so you don't lose out much by watching it

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...or western movies that were inspired by them, but weren't westerns, like The Warriors

They're called Tatars, with one R.

Can't go wrong with pic related, one of the best western movies of all time.

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>not enough horse
>too much

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Unforgiven. Some of the most kino dialogue ever written