Any Forums shows only you watched

Any Forums shows only you watched

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didnt some chick shit on the floor or something?

This one obscure show known as the Simpsons

I enjoyed all those trashy dating shows, I love New York was just the best of them.

I even watched the one season where they had to cancel the entire show because one of the final contestants murdered his girlfriend and chopped her into pieces

Gotcha OP

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Which ones the one where the chick spit at another chick's mouth

Rock of Love. I Love Money. I watched them all

You think you've got the best of me
You think you've got the best of me
You think there's nothing left of me
Check this you'll never get to me
You think you've got the best of me
You think you've got the best of me
You think there's nothing left of me
Check this you'll never get to me
Lemme tell ya 'bout it!
Come on!

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I used to watch these with my mom as a kid

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joe don't know

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Rock of love is some gay shit

kek the ole suitcase skit

This one will only be remembered by Britfags who are millennial or older.

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The Surreal Life begat Strange Love
Which begat Flavor of Love
Which begat I Love New York
Which begat Real Chance at Love

Chance was my nigga. RIP Real.

Pretty sure that was flavor of love but it was the season where New York came in

>old aged out 5/10 wants to settle down with a 10/10 CEO

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>Her remains had been mutilated to prevent recognition; she was eventually identified by the serial numbers of her breast implants.

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Man, I remember finishing my homework as fast as possible to catch the new episodes each week. Miss those cozy times.

I unironically loved Flavor of Love, and I continued watching the spinoffs. She got huge implants for season 2 and it makes it a 10/10 series.

The Rock of Love shit was pathetic schlock for white trash moms wanting to relive their youth.

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New York is white now unironically

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