Yeah, baby

Yeah, baby.

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Cruise should make Austin Powers 4 with Spacey and DeVito his top priority. I'm sure Myers would give him his blessing

Myers ruined his career with Shrek 2. Awful marriage comedy with a weak and predictable storyline full of contrivances, pop culture references everywhere, an obnoxious villain, tons of crass or stupid comedy, a rushed finale, and a protagonist who barely registers.

It was just as good as the first, idiot. His career derailed because of Love Guru

i made it 5 minutes and thats all i could take

Did people even watch Shrek 2? Like, I'm fucking old so I was there for the first's zeitgeist, but 2 kinda came and went and no-one cared.

But no, it did not ruin his career. Love Guru did. Which was wholly deserved.

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It made double what the first one made at the box office. Huge movie

>It was just as good as the first
Wrong. It doesn't have a tight/well constructed story like 1 does. Shrek, Donkey and Fiona don't awake the same empathy they did in 1 either. The animation looks worse too, especially in the color grading/lighting/human modeling departments.

What the fuck went wrong with my life for me to not notice

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Only the first Shrek is good. Those post 9/11 sequels don't hit the mark.

I hate these movies

Part of me wants to see a Austin Powers parody of Never Say Never Again. But I don’t know if Mike Myers still has the touch.

I just imagine a mock gritty reboot of Austin Powers, creaky and older, in an age of Metoo and Smart Phones.

False. 2 might actually even be slightly better. Story was more entertaining, better jokes, better villain, one of the best characters introduced (puss). The animation looks better too imo, part 1 looks dated

>better jokes
Don't you mean "more calculated and dumb jokes"? Also, the story is a mess and the animation looks objectively more unappealing.

His career seemed just as good if not a little better than most of the other big SNL names
All those topdogs from SNL had like a good decade at the very least, but Meyers was probably closer to 15+ years of solid stuff

shrek 2 shifted the entire animation industry

austin get ipad

it was that guru movie he did that ruined his career

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spy parodies should become a thing again
gritty "2deep4me" crap that pretends to be high brow like nu-bond is as ridiculous as classical cheesy bond

Will Ferrell has been making movies non stop for two over decades now.

>Shrek and Fiona shaving next to each other in the bathroom, villain ordering junk food at a drive-thru out of stress and then getting a happy meal for her adult son, Pinocchio wearing a pink thong, the blind mice looking at the opposite direction or walking in circles everytime they are on-screen, Donkey asking "are we there yet?" over and over, stock baby crying sound effect during an awkward silence, Fiona's father eating a bit of the dog's breakfast thinking it's food for an event, the wolf reading a Pork Illustrated magazine, a flamboyant chauffeur spanking his ass, Puss licking his genitals, Donkey mentioning that kids got drunk at a birthday party and started hitting him like a piñata, Donkey's new pet fishes floating dead in a dirty bowl without him noticing, Shrek chokes on his spoon and drinks the water from a finger bowl thinking it's soup, ugly stepsister bartender resembles a transvestite, Fiona has a "Sir Justin" poster on her childhood bedroom, Shrek and Donkey encounter a bush shaped like Shirley Bassey in the woods, Donkey suggests neutering Puss with his sword by giving him the "Bob Barker treatment", Magic Mirror is now a television with a remote control, Fairy Godmother adds "a hint of lust" to the love potion and mentions the film Pretty Woman when naming examples of classic fairytales without ogres, Donkey screams that he's melting and that he doesn't want to die when it starts raining, Shrek has a ton of unopened letters inside his house for some reason, Pinocchio is magically turned in a real boy for a few seconds and then turned into a puppet again during the climatic battle, etc
I don't like Shrek 2's comedy. First movie was nothing like this.