What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Exposure to nerd conventions since the 1980s

No wing commander V

Attached: wing commander IV.jpg (1200x1424, 881.7K)

*without using Hazmat


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He's so obviously gay.

Didn't they have to glue his face back together at one point after a nasty car crash? Even if they can get you looking presentable after that you are always fucked in the long term.

It was after Star Wars in 1978.

According to him he just broke his nose and his cheekbone.

half his face looks like a completely different persons in empire strikes back onward, i am more than sure hes downplaying it. probably still gives him nightmares

Yeah he looks noticably different from the first movie.

that's actually the guy who played Luuke, mark hamills more handsome twin brother who is also a nazi sympathizer so he got blacklisted from hollywood

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Half his face looked like it got scraped off.
He obviously had some restoration done.

People grow old, they eat insane food and do drugs and they don't need to get plastic injections or liposuction.

Kill yourself if you think otherwise.

That would have been a great look for Grandmaster Luke.

Depends on how badly he shattered his cheekbone. They probably had to cut him up to insert pins or plates if it was really bad which would obviously permanently fuck his shit up.

Got fat + bad haircut most of his life

Nothing as I remember enjoying watching Slipstream with my friends,

And burgers

Attached: Hammy burger run.jpg (640x659, 79.59K)

If only George had made a sequel trilogy in 1989. Everyone still looked good and 89 was right before the tidal wave of CGI bullshit infected the industry.

kek that movie is low-quality gold

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is he pinching fag ends from the tray?