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Ok janny. You want to fuck with me? Say hello to my little sneed

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I saw this movie when I was 12 and this scene fucked me up!!!!!

>Pacino was too much of a pussy to have a working buzzsaw next to him so they do a cut-away
What a bitch lmao

I fucking love Carlito's Way and rewatched it several times but I have never watched Scarface

Carlito's Way feels like a sequel to Scarface if Scarface didn't die in the end. I'm sure I'm going to get some hate for saying that, but both movies are great.

terrible film
made me feel like i needed a shower after watching it, one of the dirtiest movies ive seen, similar to wolf of wallstreet. no surprise that its considered "culturally significant" in muttmerica

>haver a mild disagreement about the trading proposition
>time to murder each other in gruesome ways
Why are brown people like this

it was never about the trade,it was a set up from the start

you know what else is dirty,your asshole after getting pounded so whip your ass before you make a post

Both are great but Scarface is more rewatchable to me just because many scenes are unintentionally hilarious. Plus the real guy Tony Montana is based on is still alive and Al Pacino sounds exactly like him in the movie.

What chu waiting for mang

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Ehh man, you gotta job!


I never seen this movie but when I was a teen I saw the Reno 911 movie parody of this scene where they do the same thing but with a weedwhacker to the guy's face. That freaked me out

How am I gonna get a scar like this eating pussy mayne?

in the director cut they reveal that they call him scarface because he has a scar on his face

*eating pineapple

Why was he threating to further mutilate a corpse?

Wolf is Wall Street is just trash but it’s probably the only movie I’ve seen where DiCaprio is entertaining

i thought those were CIA's legs for a second

this was the exact moment tony montana became scarface