Whoa kino

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this 10/10 film was made by 2 australians on a sailboat with a camcorder, that happened to have a fortuitous encounter with vacationing Billy Zane. What's your excuse?

I don't have Billy Zane

they say if you're in the tropic of capricorn at the right time of year, he appears.

I never realized before that Sam Neill is British-Kiwi. He did a pretty good job sounding American in Jurassic Park.

>billy zane
Proof that hair really can kill a man's career.

is this the best ghost ship film ever?

I fucking LOVE billy Zane

Genuine kino. Scared the shit out of me as a kid.

I'd like to checkout out some other ghost ship films. Triangle from 2009 is pretty good in some ways but bad in others. Can't think of any others off the top of my head.

This movie is a big deal. It's one of those films nobody talks about because too many of the older generation have seen it.

It's a bit of a stretch, but I guess you could call Alien a ghost ship movie because of the derelict they find.

The Lost Voyage
Ghost Ship
Deep Rising
Death Ship

yeah some underwater floating bodies or something scene especially. Great movie overall in general but that one random scene was in a really different very kino style.

Thanks user

you could call POTC a ghost ship movie because there's a literal ghost ship. Or Event Horizon. but I wonder if DC is the best true ghost ship film.

floating body behind a door is such a common trope but this one is especially disgusting

I dont remember anything disgusting so I dont know if we're talking about the same shot which I only remember very vaguely but it was very super artsy compared to the rest of the film. All this dancing light and stuff like that. I think. Its been awhile.

I remember the score being particularly unsettling. Like it made me sick.

It reminds me of the Ligeti tracks from the 2001: A Space Odyssey soundtrack, with the dissonant chorus of voices.

Saw this as a 13-y-o and it blew my mind.
Neil's character is pretty much silent, calm, and composed the entire time he's on the sinking ship, yet the tension is through the roof.

If this film were made today, he'd be screaming and roaring the entire time.

Yeah, one of the reasons I like the movie is that the characters seem like real human beings. Sam Neill is believably calm because he's an experienced Navy guy. Nicole Kidman is really tough and strong but not in some exaggerated girl power way where she's beating up guys using martial arts. And Billy Zane seems like just a profoundly insane guy but not like some supernatural force of badness.