A toilet cleaner there makes more than a M.Sc. in computer science makes over here

A toilet cleaner there makes more than a M.Sc. in computer science makes over here.
Let that sink in.

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sounds terrible they should import more muslims

Ikr? They haven't even installed a dictatorship for the sake of the climate®.

And this is how Geberit became European market leader in sanitary installations.

Attached: geberit-logo.jpg (1200x630, 37.89K)

These niggers offered me only 130k to write their software
Like fuck you nigger. Who even still thinks they had high income? OP is some village jokel

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how come there isn't mass immigration from EU countries to them then? there must be a catch

Cost of living

Attached: Map AIC per capita 2020.jpg (2500x2521, 1.16M)

Why havent you killed yourself yet?

it's hard to settle there, their immigration condtions are really harsh

Reporting foreigners to the immigration police for tiniest infraction of the Swiss code is a sacred duty of every Swiss. Trough rigorous control and constant pressure we will form you into a new and better version of yourself. You're welcome.

10 years until you get citizenship?
That's what's keeping me from going there.
Plus their dialect in the German parts isn't intelligable for someone who only speaks High German.
Btw the entry level income for a M.Sc. in CS is around ~2100€ after taxes in Germany last time I checked.
You can easily make that much by working a trade.
There are ways to climb the ladder but not everyone does, as companies prefer to hire fresh graduates because they know the latest frameworks etc.

Fick dich

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sounds racist as fuck

My mind is made out of ethnic German steel. That's the only way to withstand the mental torture of living in a 69th world tax black hole


Switzerland is not race based, we are an ideological construct. You must think Swiss, act Swiss and feel Swiss in every aspect. Then you will be Swiss!

Attached: Schwingen.jpg (2048x1365, 424.26K)

>all those pasty faces
ya you are just faking it.

US national BMI is about twice that of Switzerland.

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cracka ass white bitch im going to fuck your woman and youll watch

Based I want to be reeducated by my swiss daddy.