Post kino Japanese movies

Post kino Japanese movies

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>Japanese movies

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Anything Yukio Mishima's in

Is JAV kino or not?

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How am I supposed to know what this movie is called. It’s in Japanese on the over, and no title in the file name

I win

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Typhoon Club

>can't read Japanese

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Nature of women movie

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Miike's best

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Depends on the title. BLK and EROS are nearly always kino.

Fuck yeah. Cure is kino as fuck.

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Looks kino, what is this about

A Japanese serial killer

I watched "Female Prisoner 731: Scorpion" after seeing it recommended here and was sorely disappointed. It's nothing more than a sexual exploitation film featuring numerous rapes and gratuitous nudity. My girlfriend was quite upset that I had suggested it.
Then the next time I picked a film it was "World of Kanako", which I enjoyed but again featured at least three separate rape and one attempted rape scene. It's caused my girlfriend (who happens to be Japanese) to lose faith in me and she now believes that I enjoy rape.

Just a word of warning to those looking for movie recommendations.

What kinks does she have

>Kurosawa Akira
>Sono Shion
>Takeshi Kitano
>Takashi Miike
>Miyazaki Hayao
Make up the majority of recommendations in these threads.

Are there are any other directors as consistent as these?

Only ironic weabs hate modern Japanese entertainment.

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Anyone else notice Japanese directors make way more movies per year than western ones? Why?

Also usually much lower budget and small scale rather than the insane blockbusters of say Nolan or Ridley scott when they have the same level of fame in each country

also based

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I prefer his work as a wrestler.

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