Effects aside, there's no way to improve this, right?

Effects aside, there's no way to improve this, right?

Attached: Gordon's Flash.png (470x512, 512.33K)

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I thought the Flash Gordon movie was awesome as a child. The fantastic costumes, the cool characters, action uses as a comedic element, and the adult themes that went over my head. Therefor I encourage a couple of friends to watch it. They've seen all the marvel-films and constantly talk about them being great movies ("The best scene is when Iron Man tells Captain America to..."), so I was interested to hear what they felt about Flash Gordon. To my surprise, one of my friends remarked that there was little character development in the movie, it went straight onto the action and he said it like it was a bad thing compared to the marvel-movies. What's your thoughts?

Nope, it is perfect even with the effects

>effects aside
There's nothing wrong with the effects, they add to the charm of the movie and fit in with the aesthetics

It contains hypno kino.

Attached: 1608158674332.webm (1280x544, 2.85M)

Which modern band could be approached to make a score even 1/10th as goods Queen's?

imagine dragons or meshuggah


The fact the the film "Bohemian Rhapsody" didn't dedicate a full hour to the creation of this soundtrack is the one reason I rated it the lowest number possible when I reviewed it. 7/10.

Flash Gordon is fucking boss.

Nobody. Absolutely nobody. Brian May, as good and authentic as he was on the guitar, should be thankful he was allowed to be a passenger on the train that was Freddy Mercery.

I don't understand people obsessed with character development

A reboot will obviously need to make ming the merciless an Asian and not a fucking cis white guy

tis kino

This. It's just some concept people learned through internet and now thay think it's the alpha/omega of quality, without even understanding how and why.
Like "show, don't tell"
These rules aren't entries on a list you need to check to get a good story. You need to show what is needed to be shown and tell what you need to be told. And please somebody point me to what kind of character development masterpieces like Moby Dick had

It's possible, but you'd have to dig deep in really niche stuff to find the sort of artists who could do such a big project. I doubt you could get any popular band nowadays to make a movie soundtrack.

Even back then there was sort of the trend of getting bands to do soundtracks like Toto for Dune and somehow it just worked.

>What's your thoughts?
I think that actual movies (on top of being easily competent at storytelling "grammar") had their own identity and soul.
Not that a capeshitter checking a list of madatory tropes would know, mind you

How exactly would they remake a scene like this one?

Attached: I'd worm her bore.jpg (1280x548, 129.67K)

Character development is one way to make a movie good but it's not the only way

You can't improve perfection.

This. Plenty of good stories have already developed character and the good part is getting to know them and seeing how they react to the situation presented.

didn't that girl pose for playboy or something?

No, not in the slightest!
It can only go downhill FAST.
Leave the effects alone too!

also best wedding vows EVER

Attached: based wedding.jpg (300x168, 13.39K)

Flash Gordon is just a simple cheesy over grown kids movie made by adults who don't really know how to make a movie for kids so thought it would be fun to put layers of overtly sexualized themes of rape, incest, S&M and necrophilia in it. And Flash Gordon himself literally does nothing during the entire movie. It's left to everyone but him to save the world. He doesn't even get to kill Ming.