Horrorbros...it's time

Horrorbros...it's time

>any new good horrors out?
>what are you guys watching lately
>top 5 horrors
>preferred subgenres
>general autism

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I have this on my list to watch, same with The Awakening. Been cumming heavily to Rebecca Hall lately.

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It's pretty good imo. Actually pays off at the end after a great deal of "what is even happening". The actress carries it well, some interesting visuals

>nobody replying, thread empty
It's over

This movie was fucking stupid

I watched The Ninth Gate again bros...
It's so damn comfy.

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>any new good horrors out?
you see the one about the evil whites/Christians/redneck cult?...

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Seems like the place to ask. Anybody know the name of the 80s/90s movie where the guy's a waiter and finds out the elite in hollywood are alien cannibals. They make his friend into a chair. another monster has a face for an ass. I saw the trailer but can't remember the name.

Society (1989)

TY, big brain fren.

Sounds absolutely retarded but maybe it's in a good way

It's one of my favorites.
Good to get wasted to.

i watch a lot of different horrors, what are you looking for op? night house was good, i liked it. from 2021 i also liked in the earth and john and the hole although the latter is not as much of a "horror". censor and oxygen were decent, malignant was fun, caveat was disappointing.

if you give me a genre or what you like ill give you a couple movies

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Christcucks, servants of the chosen ones are evil though.

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Have anyone seen this?

Worth pirating?

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for me it is she

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smart phones have ruined movies.

Watched like 30 minutes, a fucking snoozefest

I watch pretty much any type but I dont see many slasher movies. My favorites are Martyrs, The Ring, The Witch, It Follows, A tale of two sisters, Kairo

I was just curious what new ones were coming out lately since I dont really have a source of info on this apart from/tv/. Where do you go to find out usually?

Also what do you guys think of the overall state of horror in the past few years. Have we exited the 2010s A24 meme phase yet

this is a comedy movie retard

>any new good horrors out?
Archive 81 was decent. Occult horror.
Had lot of potential with the demon but ending and later half felt quite rushed.

Jarvis, post her upskirt pic

Holy fuck, I got baited by this bullshit because of you faggots here and one IRL recommendation. That movie was the most incoherent bullshit ever to grace the silver screen.

>666 trips denouncing ninth gate
More evidence that its kino. Polanski probably literally worships satan though lmao