It's Over

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evil incarnate

I hate what this world has come to.

Simple solution:
Mandatory vaccine, but your exempt from taking it if you sign a waiver for hospitals that exempts them from treating you if you get Covid and need medical care.
>hurr that's immoral, what about smokers and fat people
Difference is smokers and fat people are already factored in and don't block ICUs for other people.
Either you accept responsibility and take the jab for the good of society, or society doesn't have any obligations towards you as well. Can't have it both ways.

Nah you're just an idiot.

>Privately owned hospitals that bankrupt dying people
You've shifted so far from where you started to corporate whore that it's just a joke nowl


the vax turns you into a faggot?

Not everyone lives in a capitalist hellhole, my dear mutt friend.

nobody is blocking icus you absolute faggot. your tired narrative is out of date.
>smokers and fat people are already factored in
so factor in covid people too. you've had two years now. oh wait, it's because your narrative is complete and utter baloney.




this. based.

the literal only reason is public health and stopping hospital overflow. the solution (at least in first world countries that have healthcare for all) is to make people sign a form that says they'll foot the bill for any hospitalisation that may happen if they get covid.

They're alert expected to foot the bill

do you support the same standard for vaxxed covid patients that end up in the ICU who happen to be obese? Your argument is that not taking the vaccine increases your risk, but so does being obese. So what's it going to be, faggot?

The public is too gullible for democracy to be a viable political system.

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It wasn't even good enough to do this super cringe shit with some leggy rockette-like ladies, they sat around in the writers room and went "let's also put a couple fags up front." There's literally no one this appeals to.

>so factor in covid people too. you've had two years now.
I agree that politicians are retarded and should have started increasing ICU capacity as early as March 2020. In fact, most of what they've done so far is absolute bullshit and not in line with scientific observations (can't go to the restaurants but protests with thousands of people are fine, for example).
But their retardation doesn't make anti-vaxxers ans less retarded.

Being obese isn't a choice, getting the vaccine is. The majority of the population is obese so even if it was a choice, which it isn't because no one wants to be obese, the majority have decided that it is something we all share. Being unvaccinated isn't something we all share. Only a few weirdos aren't vaccinated but they endanger the entire population. That's the difference.

All my vaxxes live in Texas...

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Stop making excuses for governments to skimp on healthcare infrastructure. The only reason why they're resorting to blaming the antivax boogeyman now is because this virus blew off the lid over their corruption and they know it. Literally millions meant for healthcare just vanished over the years in Canada.


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Wouldn’t it be smarter to provide antiviral medication to people so they can recover at home before they need to go to the hospital.
Instead of your nazi bullshit that trash’s human rights for the problem you people created.

I find it hard to comprehend that normalfags still don't understand simple things like
>democrat run American cities are shitholes
>masks don't work
>muslim immigrants get free housing in the UK
if I bring any of this up with my normalfag friends they get angry and start insulting me, and I'm not allowed to argue back because I'm the nasty boy who doesn't do research

If people don't want to get vaccinated, that's fine.

If hospitals, airports, and businesses deny them service, that's also fine because govt shouldn't bother businesses.

If companies wish to fire un-vaccinated people, that's also fine.

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>do you support the same standard for vaxxed covid patients that end up in the ICU who happen to be obese?
Yes, I believe if you don't follow your doctor's council he's not obligated to keep treating you.
You could argue that the jab is 5 minutes of inconvenience while it takes much more time and effort to un-fat yourself. But then, they've known their lifestyle is unhealthy for years, so they have no excuse.

Not subtle enough. Work on your bait.

I have a friend just like you who moved to Texas. We all just kinda ignore him when he gets preachy and he's now trying to move out of the US because he can't tolerate COVID restrictions. He's also a virgin and 32 years old.

Being obese is a choice though. You can choose to diet and be active and not be a fat piece of shit clogging up ICUs with heart attacks and mobility scooters

Well congrats, you just kicked out 70% of covid patients. Very progressive of you!

you better get ready to apologize to him when Nuremberg 2.0 begins

Doesn't the vaccine make you sick for a day typically? And that's without the heart problems in the next few years....

Being unvaxxed is a choice. You can choose to get vaxxed and follow the science and not be a stupid piece of shit clogging up ICUs with coofs and respirators.

Problem of hospital overflow is that politicians have been de-funding hospitals for years now. Keeping fat old people alive costs money so whenever your next neoliberal capitalist rat wants to cut costs they'll start with healthcare. Doesn't affect them personally because they have their own expensive private hospitals.
Problem isn't the public, it's that there is no serious alternative to capitalist rats. Whenever a non-parasitic politician starts to gain some followers he's unpersoned by the media or suffers an unfortunate fall from a high window or something.

yes they do, stinky brown user

That means it's working

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>If people don't want to get vaccinated, that's fine.

>If hospitals, airports, and businesses deny them service, that's also fine because govt shouldn't bother businesses.

>If companies wish to fire un-vaccinated people, that's also fine.

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