Documentaries about life in nazi germany

Attached: made for big black cock.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

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anything anti-christian

Attached: nazi propaganda film on christianity.webm (674x500, 1.11M)

>anything anti-christian
wtf I like nazis now

Yikes that's fatphobic

yeah the nazis hated christianity due to its condemnation of homosexuality/transexuality

Attached: nazis christians.jpg (1000x803, 118.01K)

those are actually men so it's sexist too

(((They))) are too transphobic to accurately depict it

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the catholic church protected nazis after the war, so i seriously doubt any nazi propaganda film would be so overtly anti-christian.

Attached: EE74E594-DAD0-4846-B099-2182CA095664.jpg (850x400, 74.15K)

Okay try to tell me with a straight face that this nigga ain’t gay

Attached: DDFB3450-C217-4B38-9310-7428B1C41B67.jpg (512x972, 362.55K)

i'm not denying he disliked christianity. i'm saying the church and fascists were temporary allies against communism, which they both saw as the biggest threat. as soon as the soviet union was defeated, i'm sure hitler would have started persecuting the church.

lmao look at em

why was he so excited watching jesse owens here?

Attached: autistichitler.webm (500x375, 2.12M)

eva braun was so lucky to have that bundle of energy in bed every night

>implying they ever had sex or even shared the same bed
why do you think he killed himself a few hours after being pressured into marriage with her?

Attached: hitler repulsed by women.gif (390x241, 1.99M)