When and why did trannies go from being jokes on television to the subjects of serious, sympathetic storylines?

When and why did trannies go from being jokes on television to the subjects of serious, sympathetic storylines?

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>When and why did trannies go from being jokes on television to the subjects of serious, sympathetic storylines?
People grew up. You should learn to respect other people. Transfolk have rights too.

>I'm a woman

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trans industrial complex

what's it like cuddling with a tranny

Because the world ended in 2012 and now we're in simulation

>Transfolk have rights too.
sure, thye have humnan rights, just like anyone else. the problem sympathy and unconditional love is not one of them.

When one of American presidents had one as a wife (husband)

They didn't.

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>People grew up.
This implies that literally everyone on the planet is the same exact age. Did everyone just simultaneously "grow up" one day? It makes no sense.

>You should learn to respect other people.
fucking leave moms basement once in a while.

Be honest with me, youre joking right?

Oh boy, the literal retards are going to fall for the obvious bait

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Im not so sure anymore, man

Trannies in creative writing roles now instead of being toilet cleaners

Fags, people with victim complexes, and attention seekers needed something new to latch onto to set them apart from and make them more special than their other fag buddies. Now we have transdisabled otherkin multi-personalities that wear an eyepatch just to have the edge on victim status.

>Transfolk have rights too.

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>People grew up. You should learn to respect other people. Transfolk have rights too.

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Gays in the 00s got pretty much everything they asked for, so all these civil rights institutions faced an existential crisis: either disband or move onto something new. Not wanting to lose their jobs/money, they chose the latter.

I remember seeing positive depictions of trans people on TV in the very early 00s.

who specifically are you referring to?

The problem is most movies and shows do the subject horribly. Usually extremely over dramatic stories.

by acknowledging it at all, even as a joke, you're desensitizing the viewer to the reality that you share a planet with people like this. south park did it for however many seasons they ran

>Transfolk have rights too.
The problem is not that other people don't think you should have rights. The problem is that you think other people do not have the right to reject your delusional claims that you are in fact a woman and not just a mentally ill man who needs treatment. Other people living in reality is not infringing on your rights. Your demands that other people all play make-believe with you is infringing on ours.

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